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jelly bean

a fatherless bozo who gets roatset by big ball v1nce all the time along with other fatherless fucking png tubers

v1nce: jelly bean is

fucking fatherless

by noob_man June 22, 2022

Jelly Bean

A fat, gay Mexican.

Guy1: So this fat vato walks up to me and asked if he could have my burrito. I wasn't even eating.

Guy 2: Ah, he must have been a Jelly Bean!

by Stasch42 October 22, 2017

Jelly bean

A cripple that can't use their legs
"if your disabled, just be able"

"look at that jelly bean"
CC:"isn't that a cripple?"

by Cripple kill November 17, 2020

jelly bean

Is the name given to the fans of the extremely famous youtube channel jelly norter

I am a jelly bean

by bigfatgaywhore December 23, 2018

Fucking Baked bean

To stop an unwanted conversation

Girl- Hey I’m pregnant

Boy- Shut up you fucking baked bean

by JuiceBoxBitch January 24, 2019

1👍 1👎

tahitian vanilla bean

When a man or woman submerges a gallon container of vanilla ice cream in another woman's asshole while furiously stabbing their clitoris

Gilbert suggested the Tahitian Vanilla Bean to his naughty girlfriend, but she valued her tight bum, and did not want a loose asshole (see loose asshole for details)

by Owenthecockshucker November 5, 2013

botty bean

A homosexual Mexican

"You botty bean."

by Al3sha February 16, 2016