Gay. Homosexual.
As coined by Baroness Knight.
Graham Norton is very good at antiques.
In the mud stands for in the motherfucka. It is
Yo Jake, those tacos we had last night were good in the mud.
Man! You crazy in the mud. I ain't plyain' with you.
Doctor feel good touched my anus and it feeelllt soooooo goooood
good to go/all set; military slang often used by paratroopers/commandos referring to their parachute rigs and being good to go to 'hook' their static line up for a jump
once we get this part done right here we're good to hook
to be useful to someone(her/him) in the future
she is a very pretty lady. When I saw her licking ice cream, i knew it would stand her in good stead. Because after I would have hired her, i would download facebook and let her suckerberg me. Due to the fact, if she weren't willing to do it, I would zuckerberg her
"Goodful" an alternative to the word "grateful". When someone does a good job we can say we are goodful rather than grateful. Grateful should be reserved for those exceptional times.
I am goodful for all that you have done.
a good friend, is someone who likes to be with you, and who wants to talk to you. They reply to your snaps, and texts, and they even text you first.
You know you can tell them stuff without them telling it to other people without permission.
oh him, he's just a good friend