A sexual maneuver while a man has his “beans” in side of a woman. Another attending person shall try to suck the “queso” out of the man’s penis.
I’m about to bean dip n queso these two dumb boards
A sexual maneuver, involving a man and two women. When one woman tries to suck the “queso” out of the man, while the “beans” are dipped inside another woman’s vagina or ass.
These bitches are fucking wild, I think I’m about to bean dip n queso these dumb whores.
Hey, tomorrow is August 1. No wonder my niece was excited about N-B-A, lol.
v. The act of playing hide and go seek in the Smithsonian Houlocaust Museum.
"Fuck. This museum tour feels like its never gonna end."
"I know, let's play Hide n' Houlocaust. Dibs on being the Nazi."
A very rare and scary creature if he gets to you he will use his very short and tiny dick to penetrate right through your bum hole he will Also get you in his van and do some very interesting things to you
Oh shit there's a pedo @1d@n chasing me
Guy stands on a slippery surface behind a girl. Girl bends over and the guy slips then slides into her pussy
Yo I just gave this girl the best Alaskan slip n slide yesterday.
unlike the other 5. number 6 takes a revolutionary take on the meaning of eating massive asshole.
guy one: yo are you going to josefs party?
guy two: yes, i heard there will be a lot of slip-n-slide slop number 6.