Bro its water literally just water why are you looking this up?
you drink it
"ill have water" you said that bc ur broke and cant afford the pop
You use this term after fucking the baddest bitch on the planet or after collecting all the dragon balls.
Jacqueline:I jus graduated medic training and I won’t be a mom soon.
You: haha waterrrr
We need this to survive.
Non-existent in Africa
Joe:I love water
Starvin Marvin:I wish I could have some
Natural liquid that i recommend you should be drinking right now.
God: i have just created water.
Humans: Cool, can we drink it?
God: Fuck you, All of the water is now salty.
another word for beer or an alcoholic drink.
"Man im so gone off this shit."
"Yea? Pass me the water."