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T-Clothes are clothes that are on trend and everyone is wearing them. These people are normally on "trend" or have popular clothing. These clothes are some of the time can be what celebrities wear.

"That girl has some t-clothes." or " That boy's t-clothes are so cool."

by Hannah\(>-<)/ April 2, 2017

Booker T Washington

Booker T Washington was an American educator and founded the first African American high school in Houston. The school is still open and is part of the Houston Independent School District. The school is amazing. Great teachers and a great environment. A really good school, except for a football team that lost every game, horrible receptionists, girls that do nothing but weed, and a principal that is a black and bald version of the G Man.

The new MCU phase is a hit and miss, its a big meh like the Booker T Washington High School.

by HalfA_Brick November 19, 2021


Sir Markabella of the Sports Trivia Great and Small

Adios, Sir Markabella of the Sports Trivia Great and Small (Smots-T-Gas)

by Markabella March 25, 2007


The ability of someone to identify a transgender person on sight.

"Check this chick out. Definitely trans."
"How can you tell?"
"Tall. Elongated chin. Prominent Adam's apple. Speaks in a deep voice."
"Damn, you're good."
"When you check out trans chicks as much as I do, you tend to have pretty good T-vision."

by araparseghian December 13, 2014


A common T-trap means a guy who’s a thirst trap

That guy is a total t-trap

by hannaah November 5, 2019

I T foxy

Cutie sexy hot super smart slav slave of A M

I T foxy is illegal

by Boh-Boh-Boh123 November 22, 2021

I T foxy

I T foxy Is a cutie hot sexy super smart slav slave of A M

I T foxy Is illegal

by Boh-Boh-Boh123 November 22, 2021