Man, that was like 6th Grade at St. B's, you know what I mean?
The Best fortnite player in the world
Look at how I B A shit on that free kid P 0 wertek
a sexy mf who gets hella pussy. people are obsessed with him and he will heal you.
oh my gosh is that jaxy b?
jaxy b is so hot and I want his cock in me.
An all around stud. The greatest farter of all-time!
Wow, that guy is such a B-Ham!!
Part of LGBTQI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex), but specifically are bisexual.
B roy lowkey da savage no bap. biggest cock in yyc no bap. lowkey got bare hoes on his massive schlong too
B roy was such a savage today no BAP
daddy b is the best father figure you will ever have in your life! She is a beautiful and fun girl who will always be there for you ! She doesn't like showing her darker emotions and will always present herself in a happy and excited way . Even tho she has a lazy side to her , she will work hard to make sure everything is perfect! Daddy b is the type of friend that you wouldn't want to loose !