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smol bean

A person or thing that is extremely cute or precious.

Eloise Camilleri is the only smol bean in existence.

by SnazzoBazzo September 12, 2019

smol bean

(noun) someone who is too precious for this world.

Louis Tomlinson is such a smol bean.

by TheTommoWay October 8, 2020

smol bean

if you say you're a "smol bean" it means that you are a convicted felon and that you are dangerous to society.

felon 1 : oh my gosh you are such a wholesome smol bean!!!!!

felon 2 : oh my gosh lmao im not!!!! you're a smol bean!!!

by wabadoo_ November 19, 2021

Smol Bean

Elise bauman

Elise is such a smol bean

by Negovanman trash August 17, 2019