When someone fills the bed of their truck up with trash and other unwanted items, goes to a desolate back road, drops the tail gate and floors the gas pedal driving erratically until the truck bed is free of all trash
I need to clean the back of my truck, I'm going to do a backroad floor job later
A ceremony you do to your wife to plaster her vagina shut when she decides she will have no more children. This is meant to be performed by the husband of the woman getting the Alabama Plaster Job
1. Get all of your male relatives to ejaculate into a cup (this can be done simultaneously or one at a time)
2. Measure the amount of semen you have, and thoroughly mix in an equal amount of Elmer's School Glue
3. When the glue and semen is mixed, boil it on a stove at medium to high temperature. We will now refer to the glue-semen mixture as glemen
4. Once the glemen is boiling, pour it over your wife's vagina which should plaster her vagina shut to block anything (such as a penis) from entering it again
5. Perform anal sex with the newly plastered woman to celebrate a successful Alabama Plaster Job
Johnny, make sure you don't masturbate this week, you want to provide plenty of semen for your cousin's Alabama Plaster Job next weekend.
When a girl ,who is in a relationship with somebody else, crys and says how she should not be doing this but still continues to finish the job
Guy 1- "Damn bro did you see that girl?" "Too bad she's got a boyfriend." Guy 2- "yeah she won't let you hit it, but she sure will give you a guilty job"
When you fuck someone’s ass while also sucking their dick. It’s a Lusifer job.
I got a Lusi Job last night, it blew my mind.
Giving your roommate named Tom a bj while he drinks a 40oz.
Drew didn’t have a real job, so he waited until roommate got home and gave him a Drew Job.
The art of sticking a wild hog into the anus.
Emily was doing a Hog Job to me when she slipped her finger in my bog of eternal stench!
The situation that unfolds when a parent comes unexpectedly and without invitation into the room of their adult kid, who i still living at home, to tell them to get a job or look for employment right now.
"Kevin, ich hab dir gestern gesagt du sollst dich bewerben, hast du es getan? NEIN?! WARUM NICHT!?" That is a job-ambush