Literally the worst person ever and a little bitch. Posts lots of shitty memes to the group chat. I hope he goes bye-bye
Hey, have you heard of John F.? Nope, me neither, he's a little bitch tho!
A King John blow job. While the woman is giving head the man sucks his thumb, pulls his ear, and only pauses to occasional to say 'Mama'.
This is a niche act, generally only preformed by balding firemenand lesbian in denial.
She was giving a King John to Tony but was distracted by thoughts of Dame Judy Dench.
A photo of oneself seated upon the toilet, presumably in the act of defecating.
"I asked her for a nude and she totally sent me a john shot. wtf bruh"
Drama queen, dark web adopted, salt mining crackhead
Yo why are you being a John Lovgren?
John is drama queen in latin and Lovgren means gay in Spanish
Is you can describe a stupid animal in one word it would be John Lovgren
A pathetic, sad, little man who takes out his anger about his meaningless, depressing life on poor students
An ugly fat old retard, who has anger issues and can't stand being wrong
An immature, dickhead who lives under the delusion that he is funny and that people actually value his presence (he's wrong)
John Woodward is such a bitch and everyone hates him so much.
I hope John Woodward dies in a fire.
John Woodward is a complete insufferable idiot, how does he have a wife?
a very fat white girl that is usually very popular with hellcat driving blacks
“look jamal just pickup that fat white john in his hellcat “