Source Code

Donald J Trump

Donald J Trump is a horrible person and a he is an 🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊and he needs to be coconut malled and also he needs to be freinds with stella from lemonade mouth because they are both dumb and he is very much no swag and he dont know ho to duggy

U suck at duggying you are a total Donald J Trump

by 1-800-Coconut-malled February 15, 2021

2106πŸ‘ 134πŸ‘Ž

Donald J Trump

A fascist piece of actual dog shit.


by yummymommypimpleeater May 10, 2021

2105πŸ‘ 132πŸ‘Ž

fuck donald trump

Mainly used when someone is angry at the current state of the USA.

Something that Urban Dictionary would put as the Word Of The Day to spread their political ideologies. Used even when Donald Trump isn't even president anymore and cannot make more dumbass decisions.

Person A: Hey, what do you think is the Word Of The Day on Urban Dictionary today?
Person B: It's probably some shit that aligns with their political views, like "fuck donald trump".
Person A: Ah, of course. They definitely don't have a political bias, certainly not when they are a service.

by ShitPissCum1312 December 3, 2020

27πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Donald Trump

1. Traitor and sellout.
2. Racist
3. Incest molester
4. Fascist pig
5. sociopath
6. SMF
7. waste of oxygen
8. poster boy for condoms, onanism and/or abortion.
9. asshole and bully
10. Antichrist

Donald Trump is lower than the belly of a pregnant queen ant who does nothing but eat, sleep, shit, piss and lay eggs. Future generations of American children will need to be taught that a Donald Trump is they should NOT become after graduating from high school.

by I Saw U2 Live Twice April 19, 2022

2πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž

Donald Trump Rodeo Position

When you’re having sex with an SJW doggystyle and you whisper in her/his ear... I voted for Trump... and successfully hold for 10 seconds. (=

Hey Vac, remember that hot blonde SJW I picked up at the LAUSD teacher’s strike Monday? I set a new personal record for the Donald Trump Rodeo Position at 17 seconds!!!

MAGA 2020!!!

by SJWs for TRUMP! MAGA!!! January 14, 2019

67πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Trump Derangement Syndrome

People who don't support Trump but reference him 24/7 in non-political threads suffer from this syndrome. Which also refers to Trump living in people's heads "rent-free" since they can't stop thinking about him during any time of the day.

Person 1: Hey dude, look at that cat, it's kinda wack
Person 2: I know right! It looks a lot like Trump, right? Fuck Trump!
Person 1: What? Dude, you seem to have a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

by ElverGatieza March 22, 2021

263πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


When you grab a pussy from the front.

I went into the the kitchen and Trumped my girl.
"Dont Trump me."
Give me a Trump!

by MacBrutus January 25, 2017

5πŸ‘ 1248πŸ‘Ž