The act of taking a dump and either before, during, or after, you whip out the johnson and get to beating, Wiping is optional during this act.
*Warning* Do not slouch on the toilet seat when engaging in a poop nut, as it will leave skid marks on the front of the toilet seat.
Sorry I took so long in the bathroom, I had to poop nut
i just took a big shit and it smeared down the back of my fat nuts
A phenomena that occurs most commonly on the male genitalia as a consequence of diarrhea, often unexpectedly. This is because someone on the toilet who doesn't yet know they have diarrhea will make the mistake of moving their bowels full-force, resulting in the liquid fecal matter rocketing out their ass like a fire hose. The impact on the water will splash the diarrhea back onto the victim's testicles, and rarely do they wipe away off all of it.
I thought I stepped in dog shit, but it turns out I just have poop nut from when I ate Taco Bell last night.
A poop that feels spikey and hard much like the turtle shell that gets you in first place
Had a bad bowser poops yesterday thought it was kidney stones again
When a person popped-in unannounced and was not welcome.
An unscheduled visitor that is unwanted or comes at an inopportune time will have pooped-in.
I was meeting with client A and client B pooped-in and then complained about waiting 15 minutes in the lobby.
Telling someone to stop bullshitting you
-Yeah, I just got into Harvard
-Man, Stop pooping in my spaghetti
In reference to an individual by the name of Michael Sullivan from Picton, Ontario Canada, who had been messaging women on Facebook Marketplace ads about wanting them to sell him their poop
Scooping up dog poop from your backyard would be a job for the Picton Poop Eater