Green FN, commonly known as “Green FN” is a common meme used around the 17th century during the introduction of basketball. When a player shoots outside the box (3 pointer) they would tend to shout “Green FN” which is abbreviated to “Green F—ng N—a”
George Washington scores a 3-pointer “GREEN FN”
when somebody is playing 2j and greens a 3
green fn
green fn (fuck nigga) a phrase that originated in NBA2k that is used when taking and making a shot of some sort successfully.
"is that mark trying to get that girls number"
*mark successfully gets her number*
"green fn" they all said in unison.
green fn (fuck nigga) a phrase that originated in NBA2k that’s said whenever taking a shot of chance of some sort
“aye is that mark asking for a girls number” *he gets it* “green fn” they all said in unison.
a term to identify something great
“yo look at this girl i just bagged”
“green fn”