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it might last it’s a good relationship to past time.

hey T+L for life

by TALEYASSWAGGIER June 16, 2022

T Smyth

One studly hunk of meat. Toasted lightly on white bread with Mayo on the side. Goes down easy. 10/10 would recommend

I need me some t Smyth.

by a sexy December 15, 2021

Aidan t

A aiden t is someone who has a obsession with all girls named Emma. Also get mad really easily while eating noodles

Wow he was such a aidan t

by PP Slap February 7, 2019


A term widely used to describe hard-working people in the medical industry, especially during the time of a pandemic

That bitch dr henry, she's such a C U N T

by Saltydoctor123 January 5, 2021


being convinced of something, while in complete disbelief of the current circumstances, yet understanding exactly what's going on without having any firm evidence that your initial assumption was correct

what the hell, how'd that bot just laser me with every single shot like that? i'm t-fuesed bro just look at his 90's; it's no way gotta be aim bot

what?!? it's no way that guy knew where i was. i double ramped, walled, floored and edited down into some old builds. that's t-fuesing, gotta be a stream sniper

by Leung Wang January 13, 2019

Benny T

Benny t is the name for a kid who slays. based off of the original, the slay god of hamilton southeastern high school. He got 23 slays at one football game goes by benny t and let me tell you just saying his name around attractive females get the panties a little wetter

Guy 1: I wish I slayed biddies like benny t
Benny t: watch and learn
*pulls women*
Guy 1: wow

by bennyt24 October 11, 2013

Aaron T

aaron T is one of my fav mutuals hes funny and almost got pink eye in a trampoline but still a funny guy hes one of the greatest u can ever meet

"have you ever heard of Aaron T hes funny"

by mae..!!! April 10, 2022