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Nitro Nigger

Nitro nigger - An African American running at full speed (usually from the police/their probation officer)

Example #1 “He tried to rob me and when I pulled out my sig he took off like a nitro nigger
Example #2 (plural) “ Hey Tom did you see the ravens game? , Baltimores sure got some nitro niggers”

by OttumwaPD October 25, 2023



i cant belive your being such a Logan-nigger.

by Commandocats January 12, 2025

Molakhasat nigger

People who refuse to attend lectures and study from handouts, and instead ask for "molakhasat" the night before exams, which are summarized versions of lectures made by other students. They also tend to me intellectually inferior to the rest in all aspects, and they worship the one who makes "molakhasat" for them.

Chahrazad (a molakhasat nigger) : Hey Tbon! Do you have any molakhasat?!
Tbon (not a molakhasat nigger) : Shut up bitch, you only talk to me right before exams.

by Feepo March 6, 2022


Used to describe people who emit so much black energy that even the actual black niggas question them "How they got so much niggerism in them??". Even the blackest people can't possibly rival the niggerism in your friends or others if they ever acted like a nigger.

Dude how much niggerism does Jamal even have omg. - Grayson

by Jamal's Daddy September 26, 2023


The concept of niggers existing in Paris.

Niggerism is so cool wow niggers is paris

by Aurinos Elric September 29, 2021

pleasure nigger

A person who’s sole purpose is to please his/her secrete significant other on the side of there current relationship.

The man she dates on the side of her marriage is her pleasure nigger.

by Zxt April 8, 2018


An ignorant person.

That nigger thought he could disrespect me but now he's a handicapped nigger!!!

by Kiketyson October 16, 2023