Guy is a name given to a special type of peoples most of the times they will act like an idiot BUT sometimes they can be really good friends
guys can sometime do very VERY stupid thing even if they are smart
guys are baseicly weird type of ppls that sometimes act like an aliens
guys are the type of peoples that being called jerks a lot of times
No one knows why the guys are acting like that but be sure that one day some one will understand what is happening with their mind
Most of the times peoples call Guy a Gay
why guy is acting so mean?
wtf bro stop being a guy
u r such a guy
Girl Under You.
One of the most satisfying sexual positions!
... thanks, Lady Gaga!
I whispered, There's nothing more satisfying than being your GUY.
I get so fucking wet just thinking about being the GUY in your life.
A genuine human species; known for hustling. an aggressively enterprising person; a go-getter.
Guy should be right next to hustler in the dictionary.
A name usually given from parents who are homo phobic and is scared that their son will be a gay
Your name is Guy, so your not gay... right?
something that those clickbait youtubers say every 5 seconds