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hot otter box

when you bust a nut/jizz/splooge/skeet skeet skeet, on your girls phone case.

The other night my girlfriend was bitchin about her phone sticking to her face, I had to tell i was sorry for hot otter boxing her.

by dikfingrz October 25, 2020

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Peanut Butter Box

When intensely focused on something or talking about something and out if nowhere something out of the blue catches your attention, PEANUT BUTTER BOX.

I was playing catch with my dog and along came a squirrel and, PEANUT BUTTER BOX!

I was telling my girlfriend a story and mid sentence...PEANUTBUTTER BOX!!!!

by BigR3Dd&Poochie May 20, 2022

I got a box

A term used by professional skaters when explaining the moment they became a pro for a specific company by them sending a box.

I got a box and after that I became a pro

by EDHS March 25, 2020


A submissive gullible individual and member of the American MAGA cult who is devoted to Donald Trump, and who unwittingly allows him to play them like the pussy squeeze box that they are. It should be noted that as Maga-Squeeze-Boxes are simultaneously being played, Donald and his friends in the ‘Billionaires Blowing Billionaires Club’ laugh and dance to the cacophony of these millions of dumb instruments while they enrich themselves and dismantle America’s constitution, democracy, justice system, and freedoms.

There’s no point in arguing with a MAGA-Squeeze-Box as they are impervious to both logic and factual information. Go sweep a dirt road instead.

by RowBow February 5, 2025

Boxed Like a Fish

A fartnut player boxes you into theyre little apartment, then moaning and saying, " uhhh, uhhhh, boxed like, uhh, fish" then a child appears out of you. Now this is a certified POG classic

" uhhh, uhhhh, boxed like, uhh, fish," said the boxed like a fish sex offender

by PogChampIsVeryPog February 19, 2021

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Boxed like a fish

Used to define men as being gay

Bitch you boxed like a fish useless motherfucker

by My grandma's house March 24, 2021

box gremlin

an introverted person who likes the internat more tha irl. usualy being good at stuff like editing. and generaly stay in closets or boxes.

Person 1: Tim is a box gremlin- I don't see him for weeks unless I'm on discord!

by box gremlin October 21, 2023