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sex, drugs, and rock n roll

a cliche that hard rockers of the 1960s,1970s, 1980s, and to some extent, the 1990s and today, follow, saying that these are all rock and roll songs are supposed to be about: banging groupies, taking lots of drugs, mistreating women, and rock and roll music, when we know that there's more to sing about than that stuff

2) the reason why grunge kicked out hair metal

3) the reason why everyone hates emo

1)The main reason people like the Buckcherry song "Crazy Bitch" is that it follows the tired old "sex, drugs, and rock n roll" trend that has been in effect since the 1960s. Besides, who needs to hear them call someone a bitch? The National Organization for Women should get this song off the radio! The only difference between the rock songs of the 1960s and Buckcherry's song is that Buckcherry's song has cussing.

2) All hair metal was doing was following the unneeded "sex, drugs, and rock n roll" trend, and Nirvana knew that there was more to rock than that, so they kicked the hair metal musicians' sorry butts to the curb. Unfortunately, this trend is making a comeback, and it really needs to die!

3) Sex, drugs, and rock n roll is a stupid trend, and emo is actually meaningful than all the songs that follow this trend. Emo cares about the music; the artists that follow this trend only care about excesses, and that's what emo haters expect emo artists to sing about, when in reality, emo is far deeper than this moronic hard rock. Anyone can do this trend; few people can do emo.

by Karen Stickney November 3, 2006

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Dwayne the rock Johnsonโ€™s boner during sex

About 8-11 feet long, and it takes about 2 mins for him to cum, and he cums with about 1/2 quart and 38 miles per hour

I watched a video of Dwayne the rock Johnsonโ€™s boner during sex

by periodwithtrans January 26, 2023

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Put your cock in a sock and dock it on a rock

A phrase that you say when someone is about to "DO IT."

"Dude, I'm gonna nail that chick later."

"Oh damn. Put your cock in a sock and dock it on a rock!"

"I'll make sure of it dog!"

by Hmbsm21 May 19, 2009

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Reverse rocking chair dirty gorilla mask

When your lady has your legs pinned to the headboard and is eating your ass while you are uncontrollably cumming onto your own face. She then rips out the hairs of your ass and throws it at your face and it sticks to the jizz.

I had Hanks Throbbing member in my mouth the other night and I threatened to reverse rocking chair dirty gorilla mask him! Ooofffff!!!

by Tony Papadog February 13, 2019

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Get Off Me Rock Your Sinkin

Meaning to weigh down some one with your own problems, or to not help but add more issues to a situation.

Me:*Gets off work at the end of the day and sits on the couch.*

Roommate:*Roommate walks in.*"Man school sucks so fuckin bad, I had......long rant here..."

Me:"Get off me rock your sinkin man, I just got off work."

by joeshmoe200022 August 26, 2008

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Skewl Sux Rock Out Drop Out

Skewl Sux Rock Out Drop Out (letter s in "sux" should be backwards) is a gang that was created by an eighth grader who hated school and wanted a way to complain about it in a public format. The gang is often referred to by various names such as SSRODO and RODO. Although the gang does not promote any form of violence or illegal behaviour, there has been controversy over people wearing ssrodo merchandise to public places, especially schools. Parent should know that SSRODO is not a group that actually promotes dropping out of school, simply a way for teens and other adults to complain about obligatory things they have to do. The group's main focus is hatred for school and other expectations, however the gang also promotes being who you want to be, doing what you want to do, and having swag.

SSRODO can also be used by adults in reference to occupations without changing any words in the gang name.

Teacher: "I don't think that shirt is appropriate for school, Timmy."
Timmy: "Don't fret teacher; my shirt is simply making reference to a gang in which its main, although not only, focus is hatred for school. The gang actually also promotes self love, having swag, and being who one wants to be. Although you may see my shirt as disrespectful it is really a way for me to channel my negative thoughts about school and other expectations from those above me in a safe and convenient manner."
Teacher: "Rock on, ssrodo all day long."

"Man, I just wanna go do some graffiti." "Yeah man i'll get the cans, ssrodo all over the canvas in my basement."

#rodo #ssrodo #skewlsux skewl sux rock out drop out

by ssrodo May 2, 2012

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Council Rock North 3rd Floor West

Out of a school district with ten thousand kids, it is safe to say only around a dozen of them have ever been to 3rd floor west. 3rd floor west always smells like dying animals, and has no purpose aside from providing the freshmen girls with a bathroom to gossip in and giving hallways for students to walk around in when they take a bathroom pass and leave their boring 3rd floor East class for 20 minutes.

Half the classrooms are always empty, and the other classes are honors classes that are only used for 2 classes a day. Nobody has been there, and nobody knows what goes down there.

โ€œWhat happens in Council Rock North 3rd Floor West?โ€

โ€œI heard Biggie and Tupac chill there from time to time. Canโ€™t confirm, never been there.โ€

by saturdaysarefortheboyss July 28, 2020

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