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2013 harry styles

2013 harry styles hits different. thatโ€™s it.

whatโ€™s something to you that hits different? 2013 harry styles

by kyaak January 2, 2020

farming simulator 2013

A game almost entirely based on getting tractors stuck in trees and glued together, there is no escape from the magnetism of other tractors. Some of the main aims of the game is to actually figure out how to feed cows and/or carry a refrigerator with a front loader. Oh, also there's something to do with planting seeds. I think you also have to harvest them.

Person 1: I just found a game in the bin!
Person 2: what game?
Person 1: Farming Simulator 2013
Person 2: why does that not surprise me?

by resoplast February 14, 2015

10๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

june 13th 2013

the debut of le-jin-dary boy group BTS

Linda: Hey, what date is it today?
Karen: Itโ€™s June 13th 2013 you uncultured swine
Linda: Jesus Karen, whatโ€™s so special about this date?
Karen: How uncultured are you?
Linda: Very. Now is this a holiday or something?
Karen: Yes it is.
Linda: What holiday is it?
Karen: the debut of le-jin-dary boy group BTS

by givemenoodlesimhungryasfuck February 9, 2020

5๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

March 22nd, 2013

The day the My Chemical Romance broke up

A sad day for music history and emos around the globe

Person 1: Why are they violently sobbing?
Person 2: My Chem broke up.
Person 1: I remember when I cried on March 22nd, 2013.

by GeeLuver March 23, 2023

Sim city 2013

A game release so fucked up which people choose to pretend doesn't exist.

Maxis is fucked up they realsed a sim city 2013

by The lich bitch June 21, 2016

2๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

niall horan in japan 2013

In Japan 2013, Niall Horan vigorously master bated in a hotel room. One poor fan of his was outside of his room and heard him shouting โ€œAMY!!โ€ She also heard horrible slapping and screaming sounds. I donโ€™t want to talk about it anymore.

โ€œ hey man! Just woke up alone in this hotel room, I played with myself. Where were you?โ€
โ€œEW! You turned into Niall Horan in Japan 2013!!!โ€

by Unfortunatehouseplant January 7, 2021

101๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

June 29 2013

June 29 2013 are when they Best people they are annyoying but like space and funny and Smart.

PEOPLE 1:Wow he's smart they Best
People 2:he must ve bien on June 29 2013

by Krew lover2909 June 6, 2021

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