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February 22

National impregnate your girlfriend day

Girl: I want a baby

Boy : No, not yet
Girl: But it’s February 22

by RyWei02 October 5, 2021

February 22


Crackhead friend: OTTERS FOR LIFEEE
other friend: AHHHHHH

February 22 is national crackhead day!!!

by Liz_urbandictionary December 4, 2019

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February 22

National Worst Day of the year. This day sucks. This day is booty cheeks. If this is your birthday I'm sorry... SIKE this day sucks cause of you.

UGH it's February 22 damn no wonder I'm having such an ass day.

by ThickburritoaAss February 22, 2021

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February 22

Anyone who is born on February 22 is a very kind hearted person and will litteritly die for you

Person 1: ahh I’m falling off a cliff
People born on February 22: I’ll die for you

by Watch out girl November 24, 2021

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February 22

National fuck your ex day.

Me: lets fuck
Ex: but your my ex
Me: but it’s (February 22)

Ex: bend da ass over

by _18isaa October 21, 2019

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September 22 and February 21

September 22 and February 21 are the days that the best people on the earth are made!

dude its September 22 and February 21!
oooh got to go get the presents!

by COOPKAKE November 2, 2020

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February 22 , 2022

The day everybody wishes to be asked out on, as your anniversary will literally be 2/22/22. A TWOSday. (someone ask me out pls!! πŸ˜‹)

yo it’s February 22 , 2022
wanna date? 😍😍

by linkysnacks February 21, 2022

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