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85 dollar me

v. To become confused in a financial transaction, ending up with 85 dollars less than you originally began with.

The pizza guy definitely 85 dollared me, officer. He told me it would be 10 bucks for the pizza. I asked him if he could break a hundred, and he said "sure." Then he mentioned something about a tax for apartments above the 5th floor, gas surcharge, long distance delivery fee, and a penalty for ordering more than 3 toppings on my pizza. The next thing I know, I'm only getting 15 bucks change and the guy's already in the elevator going downstairs.

by Flatley August 6, 2003

11๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

MC-85 Star Cruiser

A heavy Mon Calamari star cruiser used by the new republic and resistance navy, at over 3 km long, this type of cruiser has top-tier shielding and has 2 massive hangers on each side to hold hundreds of starfighters and transports. This ship could outpace its rival; the Resurgent-class star destroyer and its shields can withstand enormous amounts of firepower from enemy capital ships and even if one generator is taken out by starfighters, there will be several backups that can take its place. This trait is also shared by its predecessors, the MC-75 and MC-80

Several MC-85 Star cruisers showed up to the battle of Exegol and were some of the largest ships present for the battle, later many of these ships fell into Resistance hands along with other cruisers, frigates, corvettes and fighters, which greatly aided the Resistance in its conflict with the First Order.

by Ekerslithery April 13, 2020

Prized T-34-85

The best thing ever literally better than everything ever made it is the best fucker other tanks and other things

Jake: hey thereโ€™s a t-34-85 over there damn thatโ€™s a epic tank

Definition: Prized T-34-85 - a Soviet tank from World War 2 that fought against the Germans

Noun: T-34-85

by Punisher222222 June 3, 2021

3๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Level 85 Panty Smasher

Currently, the highest level of Panty Smasher. See Panty Smasher

Friend: Did you see his new car? He's gonna get a lot of chicks

Friend2: That guy is the office hero. He's a Level 85 Panty Smasher...he was able to melt thighs long before those kidney grills.

by joerockets March 30, 2011

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Right 85

A phrase often used to confirm a very true statement. The 85 stands for a statement being "right" 85 times over.

Person 1: Sarah Palin is a babe!
Person 2: Right 85, dude!

by Nicholash March 23, 2011

cobra 85

A an awesome bike and very ispnsive

I want a cobra 85

by Cobra12345678910 February 1, 2017

The 85

The most elite bus to ever exist. A Little Heath school bus that travels from the school to Central Reading via the Oxford. Where that nigga William stole some mans coat.

Ah fuck man remember those days of the 85? That shit was cold my slime !

by Metamorangod November 28, 2020