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It wouldn't be a lie If I said that most of your loving words Make my heart swell with joy It just somehow doesnt explode Into tiny luv mmallows, oh boy Yes i am new n somewhat lost but still deep down I know all ways, loving turns lead to you
And how i love this thought oooh

931 All has changed except my love

by Youknow112 August 7, 2024

12👍 40👎


This again I will choose
but difference being

With your socks nd pair o shoes
All along when you wear mine
This way next round of lives
we will understand better

and rid undershine

Of all done, chess game is what they call
One not even born and

One who seen it all
Other wasn't ever present

So the one who left they say
doesn't ever leave

The one who found but never did find
A courage to stretch a hand further
across the unseen line
Fear of what it must have been
To deny who never left and

931 stayed always within

by Youknow112 August 2, 2024

6👍 32👎


Hey dude

Lets synchronise the
thought pattern
Feel pattern
Deal pattern
Reflectology pattern
Apology n seal pattern
Ins n outs pattern
True n false pattern

Lets see what's cooking in own kitchen & dont worry the neighbor house food burnt smell pattern...oh boy a drag it is

931 2

by Youknow112 August 1, 2024

9👍 49👎


How do all these people comprehend each other so easy?
All feels & deals alike?
Pretty beautiful...

The heart 🤍 is made of...and knows its way and the mind is made of ...
but one thing for sure, sometimes the mind secretly likes the heart to lead, to show the way.

The mind doesn't like to admit but it tires inside from its own invented power game. Just following heart, tiptoeing so nobody sees is the only way mind found peace sometimes in a lost past.

Btw mind loves the word loss n negative n fake bake love n stuff but who knows what's right eh?

931 phewww

by Youknow112 August 1, 2024

8👍 39👎


A multiverse for sure UD is.

A safe place of connection, turning sacred sometimes. So many people saying the same thing to who, who knows?. And some may find the one. If there is only 'One' they will know.

There needs to be a comment section or a dm link to all definitions

howz that? With anonymity of course!

931 1

by Youknow112 August 1, 2024

11👍 39👎


Nobody knows anybody here. Do you??

Teach me more, need to learn

What's it called mirroring?

How to?
Run to you
Walk to you
Sprint or jog to you

So you know its me,

Heart, mind, body n soul

931 says so much

by Youknow112 August 1, 2024

12👍 36👎


It was indeed an awkward interaction why are we like this lol I still very much care about you, but this anonymous thing doesn't work for me. What did you mean, you've put the interaction behind you, that we need to move passed our previous interaction? It sounded like you wanted to move on.

UD etc feels disingenuous when actions don't match your words. That was messing with me and I had to stop. Do you think I'm wanting a commitment or something? TBH I intend to stay single for a while.

I appreciate, admire, and value you as a person. I don't judge either of us, it is a gift to see someone like we can see each other. Thank you for the beautiful writing, I love it. You're so generous and talented. I've contacted you a lot of ways and I know you can find me if/when you want to. I think we could be good people in each other's lives, and damn I just care so deeply for you. But I know what I need, and I want to be clear with you. Even if it takes posting here :)

931 I ❤️ you no matter what

by Where_are_we August 20, 2024

5👍 30👎