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He’s a really shy guy first and you don’t think much of him. He’ll probably end up talking to you and you’ll start to feel red. He has a very cool personality and won’t even know you love him just a bit. Girls will act tsundere but will kill for him.

Best thing is! He likes Daisies!

Gyal 2: oh that’s awesome

(Stabs gyal 1)

by Top defenition September 2, 2018


Conraders are the official name, for the members in the cult of Conrad. In order to join the cult you have to give the leader, who goes by the name of Addy, the highest of fives. The conraders is a large group, mostly women, who worship Conrad. Addy is the Jesus of the conraders, Addy is the mommy of all daddies, and Conrad is the daddy of the gods. Kaitlyn is the vice president of the cult of Conrad, she is freaking smexy, but not as smexy as Addy, Addy is a babe.

Example: Conraders are the best thing to happen to this world

by Leader of the cult of Conrad July 1, 2018


A stiffy, hard-on, erection.

"Bro I've got the biggest conrad"
"No homo bro"

by neo noodle May 18, 2019

3👍 3👎


someone who is a geek BUT only a lil bit

Dean West. who i decided is gunna dye his hair navy blue. =D

by LaineMarieHoward.com July 25, 2006

51👍 94👎


Conrad is a nice guy who has a big ego, but when he meets someone he really likes, he's the nicest person on earth to them. He'll always put up a fight and perhaps encourage fights too. If you know a Conrad, be prepared for someone with a big ego, but don't worry, once you get close, you'll find him to be the nicest guy ever.

Guy 1: "Conradddddd!!! You got such a big ego bro!"
Guy 2: "Yeah, you do, but you're a nice guy!"

by sixfoottentoes August 31, 2020

8👍 11👎


the guy who gets the worst munchies and always mooches food off of people. he also tends to pass out earlier than everyone else, which can be solved with taking a nerf gun and administering headshots. this person tends to be redheaded

dude can i have another handful of goldfish?

Dude you already had five handfuls! dont conrad me!

by theEaSTer BuNny October 12, 2010

20👍 40👎


the wrong way of spelling conrade this is often mispelt by people.

a term often used by communist wannabes spelled in an archaic language

Though Felix , the wannabe air cadet, would pass as a communist in speech. He'd fail in typing when referring to Mao as "conrade" because he clearly cant spell.

by ak March 8, 2005

15👍 36👎