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Dumb Cunt Driver School

or DCDS. The driving school that some women must have gone to based on there utter lack of understanding of how to operate a motor vehicle or share the road with others.

After taking up 2/3 of the road and not allowing anyone by "she must have gone to Dumb Cunt Driver School to learn how to do that".
Or a woman pulls around a utility truck without looking for oncoming traffic so you almost end up in a head on collision then motions you to back up out of her way. She must have gone to a Dumb Cunt Driver School

by Pennyslvania Driver October 10, 2007

30๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

some dumb cunt next door

That old lady Next door that everyone hates.

Who was the yelling? Some dumb cunt next door.

by Not Bob The builder. May 31, 2017

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dumb Ass Cunt

A Stupid Schmut who should choke on a jelly role, cuz her man looks at pics of Kim Kardashian just to get it hard enough to grudge fuck her.

Corinne Lascola is a Dumb Ass Cunt.

I'd toss that Dumb Ass Cunt out of bed.

Hey, Corinne YOURE A Dumb Ass Cunt!

by Weallhateyouhahaha May 2, 2010

21๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Being a (streight up dumb cunt

Any girl manes amber cuz they all stupid dumb cunts

Rob: I'm so tired of all these Amber's out there ,Being a (streight up dumb cunt .I can't seem to find a girl who isn't a fucking amber

by Jelous the name of god March 23, 2023

Dumb Cunt

(1) Derogatory towards a woman. Meant to use the most obscene term for a female's genitals, while adding in an intellectual degradation.

(2) Slanderous and shocking. Meant to offend and stunt a conversation. Crude and offensive.

You believe people on the internet? You're a dumb cunt.

by Sports-Master December 27, 2022

Dumb cunt

Someone who doesn't watch 'Avatar: The last air bender' even when you tell them to, and always reply with a 'Lord of the Rings' based suggestion.

Man Kamal is such a dumb cunt!

by watchavataryouprick! August 18, 2017

Dumb cunt

A dumb cunt is a person so stupid that they really don't understand they are 'a cunt'. Can be used somewhat interchangeably with stupid cunt

I literally think he is a dumb cunt!
Poor fucking dumb cunt
That dumb cunt needs to be taught some manners!
Stupid dumb cunt
Look at that dumb cunt!

by Nic67 June 27, 2020