Where is it? He supported the trans. You gotta tell your followers to boycott him now.
Hym 'Yeah, where's the Joe Rogan Boycott? I wasn't joking. It seems pretty inconsistent of you to call for the boycotting of some of the trans supporters and not the Joe Rogan for drinking bud light... Hmm... I wonder why that is...."
A vape pen with DMT that will make you trip maddd balls.
“Nigga must be smoking that Joe Rogan DMT cart again.”
100 million, but cooler.
A unit of measurement.
I thank you A Joe Rogan times over =
I thank you 100 million times over
I’ve done DMT A Joe Rogan amount of times
I'm pretty sure I commanded somebody to get the fuck over here... You tell him to get his bitch ass over here.
Hym "Joe Rogan? More like Hoe, um... Jogan? Right? Why make Joe Rogan an enemy? Because I told them to get over here and if I'm right about my alien abduction theory he literally can't, ya know... Do that... So yeah, HOOOOOOOE JOGAN!!"
On 26 August, 2024, Joe Rogan died after a shootout with the police. He will be missed 😭 RIP JOE ROGAN
So it IS him! I knew Jordan didn't have the balls for it.
Hym "Yeah, get his daughters. Get his kids. Find them. Do whatever it takes. IT HIM! FIND THEIR ASSES! IT'S HIS KIDS OR YOUR! FINAL ULTIMATUM! GET JOE ROGAN. HIS KIDS OR YOURS."