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The most bestest guy in the universe. He is the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for and he is absolutely perfect. He's tall, extremely hot, sweet, nice, a really good friend, and everything a girl would want. :):)

When i saw Vinny, i got extremely jealous of his girlfriend. He's so freaking hot!

by kaycoolbye. March 3, 2011

26๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most sweetest boy youโ€™ll ever meet and he always looks out for you.He would never try to hurt a girl or anyone for that matter,unless they hurt someone he loves.He is very popular and gets girls easily.He will hold onto your heart forever and change you life.He is extremely sexy,funny and brave.

Girl1: there he goes. Girl2:who. Girl1:vinny๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹

by Khumber๐Ÿ’ March 18, 2018

6๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


(1) Verb: The act of gettin shit on by a girl during intercourse (literally)
(2) Noun: The inability for a girl to control bowel movement during the "cowgirl" position.

(1) Dude, that girl totally Vinny-ed on me! Now I gotta take a shower in amonia.

(2) The doctor gave out phamplets on pre-mature Vinny during our Health Class.

by Acinorev backwards September 21, 2010

32๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž


most vinnies are a shortened name for vincent but if you are lucky enough to just be named vinnie then you are quite rare.

fierce and determined always wanting to be the best and striving to be.have a mellow nature and make awesome friends.outgoing and love to party.vinnies are hot hot hot and girls always think theyre sooo sexy
they take pride in their appearance so they always look good.they are polite and well manered.make the best lovers and know how to treat a woman.

girl damn is that a sex god over there

girls mate yep thats vinnie

by thesavagereturns February 5, 2010

62๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) A small owl like person with relations in Peru and the UK. Known as a legend by many people in the Albrighton/aberystwyth areas

2) Someone who is often found in the local Public House or a bed

3) Someone who is not very good at being on time

4) Another name for someone who is a keeper of tortoises

random person: OMG are you vinny?

vinny: yes bra...

random person: shit a brick!! i heard you were the inventor of the gorilla mask!!!! what a legend!

by mcterry October 17, 2009

29๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


Some one who is really nice and fun to get to know. He seems too good to be true. He is only good for about 3 dates and then you dont get together anymore. Usually gives up on everything. Everything is going great one day, then the next he is totally different from the day before. He changes his mind a lot. He is in love with baseball and hockey. He chooses sports over women. He talks to one person and then on to the next one just like that. He is very sketch.

Girl 1:Why did he just give up on our relationship?
Girl 2:Because he pulled a Vinnie.

Boy 1:Dude, you change your mind too much.
Boy 2:Sorry. I'm just acting like a Vinnie.

by balletdncr4lfe March 15, 2010

53๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž


Henry from Goodfellas type beat. From Chicago. General fuckboyisms. Taking off out of state or out of the country without telling your live in girlfriend. Having a secondary or multiple girlfriends. Kissing girls goodnight and saying โ€œIโ€™m so glad weโ€™re friendsโ€. Misc gaslighting, doubling down on lies but the lies are so outlandish theyโ€™re memes. Girls being obsessed with you, older girlfriends and a lot of free shit. Abuse and drama, and always playing the victim card. Overbearing parents, that love you unconditionally even though you are a fuck.

You did that to her? Thatโ€™s vinnying
Donโ€™t let him vinny you
His parents were Very vinny-esque

by tra$hgirl November 17, 2021