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We will bury you, pathetic human scum!

Disgusting humans will be enslaved!

by Martian Conquistador February 5, 2004

87๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


literal fucking mistakes.

"humans are so fucking dumb, take americans for example"

by Madamabutterfly February 24, 2017

75๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


God's biggest mastake of all.

God: I think I will make Humans...

* Then the first Human was born *

God: OH SHIT!!

by FlameAssassin February 23, 2005

359๐Ÿ‘ 121๐Ÿ‘Ž


A largely upright, semi-advanced homonid with approximately 3.96 limbs. The typical human is dull, enjoys sex, food, games with balls, and cathode-ray tubes.
Englishmen are not to be confused with humans. They bear some apparent similiarities, but in fact belong to a lower genus.

Britney Spears is a human.
This is controversial and awaits confirmation.

by DougTheSlug April 19, 2005

55๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


NASA found this definition in what seemed to be an Alien type of dictionary, after a ufo crash that was covered up. it was recently decoded.

Human-pathetic, and smelly monkeys who have primitive technology(the internet is their greatest..Ha!ha!ha!Ha!ha!)and language/writing.
the weakest primeapes on planet Earth!

the only species who kill each other becuase of looks and different skin color!

A species in the universe who "claim" to be intelligent.
the laughing joke of the universe.

(SETI discovered this conversation of Two unknown Extraterrestrial species shortly after the 9-11 events!
it has recently been decoded.)
E.T#1-hey look those humans are fighting again.

E.T#2-dont they ever quit? Have they gone nuclear yet?

E.T#1-no, not yet! they just flew one of those, slow, ugly, pathetic, mettalic suedobird thingies into two of their large mettalic buildings, killing many of their own species again!

E.T#2- metal suedobird?. Oh- you must mean what they call an airplane.

E.T#1 yeah, i think thats what its called.

E.T#2- WHAT. those humans are so barbaric. i wonder what they are fighting over now. ill bet its skin color again!..ha, what a bunch of idots.

E.T#1-yeah, you can never figure a human out. oh and get this it happened on the peice of land called america.

E.T#2-no shit. WOW! if i recall right, america is the land full of humans with different skin colours right,

E.t#1- yep. they're the worst ones when it comes to fighting each other.

E.T#2- Oh i just remembered, America is the land with the best.. uh whats it called now,..Army!
I bet they go nuclear.

E.T#1 oh i hope so, that,ll be some show to watch!

by goganhusssan October 23, 2006

67๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


Human (n.): A race with the capabality of intelligence, which has more disadvantages than advantages. The ability to imagine makes the species greedy, and in turn kills itself off. The race lives on the planet Earth and will soon destroy itself and possibly the planet along with it.

When not loved enough, the human will act in evil ways only for the purpose of making oneself feeling superior.

I hate being human.

Being in the army is de-humanizing.

by Aaron July 6, 2003

79๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


The absolute worst species - although possibly the most sophisticated, they are also the most stupid. Selfish riched crainiam a wrecking the planet and arenโ€™t doing anything about it for multiple reasons. Such as: They are driven by power, and money, the earth most likely wont blow up in their life time. Humans are complete IDIOTS - and honestly no word can describe how stupid they are. There is a LOOONNG list of thing humans are doing wrong. โ€˜There are 2 things that are endless, human stupidity, and the universe, Iโ€™m not sure about the formerโ€™. Is a famous quote from a scientist known as โ€˜Albert Einsteinโ€™, who helped develop some thing humans are using to kill each other with. I may not be making much sense, but this is because I, like you - are unfortunately part of the HUMAN RACE.

And so - FUCK the humans, earth is FUCKED, and its because of the FUCKED up, FUCKING HUMANS!!!

Some humans arenโ€™t as fucked up as the ones in power. Some are achually trying to help the already fucked planet.

Fuck its a poliction (Human with power)

by Beanton38 October 25, 2018

14๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž