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Rowdy Baby

A term derived from a Tamil song released in 2018 from the movie 'Maari 2'. It is a term used to call your boyfriend or girlfriend or close friend very badass and rowdy.

Person 1: Hey, Who's that? He's so badass.
Person 2: Oh, that's my rowdy baby

by SalsaDoritos March 18, 2019

Rowdy Lot

Where you park if you want to get rowdy. Originally stemmed from gravel parking lots which gave restaurant goers a reason and excuse to behave inappropriately within the restaurant. Now, the Rowdy Lot is more of a state of mind. This state, however is not (as many believe) influenced by drugs or alcohol. This state is achieved by being creative, witty and original and attempting to get away with mischievous or outrageous acts by blaming them on your parking in the Rowdy Lot.

Melvin just flipped the table for no reason! He must have parked in the Rowdy Lot.

Guy 1: "Dude, why did you just throw that knife in the wall?"
Guy 2: "It's okay, I parked in the Rowdy Lot."

by FLIPtheTABLE**NOW February 21, 2012

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Rowdy Boy

A young male who enjoys the art of drinking copious amounts of alcohol and then continuing to be very loud and lairy, often shouting loud chants, destructive behaviour and being a true menace.

All was calm at the nightclub until a rowdy boy turned up and caused sever amounts of carnage.

by Rhys Rowdy Anderson October 3, 2005

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Rowdy Moses

Having rough sex with a girl on her period. As if you are parting the red sea.

Debbie: Did you guys get it on after the movie last night?
Samantha: Yeah, I'm on my period but he gave me a Rowdy Moses.

by Jarbs December 22, 2012

Rowdy Powder

yet another synonym for cocaine

I cannot belive you snorted that entire line of Rowdy Powder!

by 00soul September 23, 2009

Wet Rowdy

A Wet Rowdy involves licking your fingers, inserting your now wet fingers into your butt, followed by twisting your wet and smelly fingers into ones ear.

A much more devastating Wet Willy.

Jared is freaking out because his ear smells like shit because Ryan gave him a Wet Rowdy

by Lloyd Narrone July 6, 2010

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rowdy ginge

A ginger whom is out of control and noisy.

Look at that rowdy ginge over there, it's so obnoxious.

by TheKatMaster October 4, 2010

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