A gay man who is a drum instructor as well as a dog lover. When you see an Alfa, you should be scared of that 90 pound ass
guy 1: wow look at him he's such an Alfa
guy 2: True dude
reminds me of a bright blue sky. Thinking deeply of him makes me feel like I'm chilling on the greenest hill with the faint gentle breeze brushing up against my hair. I can see a mildly foggy view of the city below, showing uncertainty but also possibility.
Alfa is thoughtful and considerate, he cares for his friends deeply.
Something about him smells like a strong desire for freedom like the free blows of a windy day. Besides that Alfa is pretty responsible for his actions, accepting the storm of a situation even with a heavy heart at times, yet for the sake of everyone he'll stay positive.
He is the definition of harmony, being somehow one of the reasons why we're friends with each other, a connector.
Alfa is lighthearted yet passionate, can be described as cool but not nonchalant. If he was a sound, then you can either associate him to the faint rustlings of leaves on a breezy day, or even the gentle clinking of hanging wind chimes.
If Alfa was a song he'd be "Look at The Sky" by Peter Robinson, which I listen to sometimes too on my worse days.
Alfa is the color blue as in calm and sensible, instead of sad and gloomy.
The guy can be freaky at times, but we don't mind lol
Caes: Alfa is the sky fr
Hypothetical Afi: Caes, you don't know how this example thing work, do you?
Copiar al Alfa es nada malo
Copiar al Alfa es nada malo
Club Alfa Romeo Bulgaria is a Fb group of fans and owners of alfa romeo cars that doesnt actually do club stuff and focuses on creating the same post over and over again. Usually consisting of questions if there are clean alfas and or dirty ones.
Fights are often seen here and uaually result to one person banned per week.
Another thing that the group loves is entering cars of the maker alfa in online competitions that are decided by the amount of likes resulting in the whole group liking a stock 1.6 156 alfa with falling bumpers and winning against a audi r8.
Club Alfa Romeo Bulgaria the place where the most important question is how clean or dirty your alfa is...
Are there any clean / dirty alfaaas ???
JTD is de wae!