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Adler Kiss

When you pay a homeless person more than market value to shit in your mouth and then you kiss your partner right after without them knowing.

After walking down 7th on my way home from work and paying too much for one of the homeless people camping on the sidewalk to squat over my face in Waller Creek and shit in my mouth, I always go straight home and give my wife an Adler Kiss because I know what’s good for her.

by Major Peeler October 14, 2019

Ms. Adler

The best teacher you’ll ever encounter, even if she doesn’t teach you. Will let you sit in her office, calm you down when you’re anxious, and celebrate small victories with you. Genuinely wants to help people and tries her best to do so. You can also bond over your shared dislike for caring for young children.

person 1: did you meet with Ms. Adler today?
person 2: i did! she’s the best and helped me a lot.

by alek_silver April 15, 2021

Leo Adler

A small hamster man. Often under 165 cm

That guy is so Leo Adler

by Dickhunterdestroyer April 1, 2021

zully adler

see gerbil in ass (Richard Gere)

wow, zully really has a gerbil in his ass.

by artfag January 3, 2005

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Steve Adler

Steve adler is a queer heroine addict.When he left Guns N Roses they deinately found a much better sound.His absense is the best thing to happen to the band.Think he is mopping floors somewhere or giving head for heroine.

GNR minus Steve Adler equals Use Your Illusion.

by Adler basher October 24, 2008

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noah adler

A fine lad that is into sailing and who’s instagram is @noahadler.
( he is also very sensible and hot).

Wow you should really follow Noah Adler on Instagram ( @noahradler).

by The yeet factory January 25, 2019


Adler is one of the nicest dudes you will ever meet. He is caring, respectful, and a hard worker. He is super shy when around new people (especially girls he likes) but yet when he is around his friends he can be loud.

Friend: Adler I’m so sorry about what happend last night
Adler: hey, your good. Things happen, It’s ok.

by Thetruth15 November 29, 2021