Source Code

Anti Plot Bunny Agency

The Anti Plot Bunny Agency was created by BiteMeTechie for the Stargate Atlantis fanfiction When Plot Bunnies Attack. It is a fandom within fandom. The role of an agent of the APBA is to go to various fandoms and destroy plot bunnies, Mary-Sues, and any other stereotypical cliches in the fandom that they have been assigned to. An agent of the APBA is considered an original character.

"Oh thank Bob you're here. It's about time the Anti Plot Bunny Agency got involved! If I see ONE MORE Gary-Stue I'm going to FREAK."

by Sepik August 20, 2006

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Social Media Marketing Agency

A Social Media Marketing Agency is a sort of an Advertising Agency specialized in Social Media Marketing.

www.socialmediamarketing-agency.com is an example of a Social Media Marketing Agency

by BurkhardB August 2, 2011

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Federal Emergency Management Agency

An agency that is supposed to help out during emergencies, such as national disasters. An agency that fell flat on its face following Hurricane Katrina.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency went straight to hell under Bush's watch as he turned it back into a political job factory for his cronies.

by jesster79 September 15, 2005

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child support agency

an organisation set up in britain to collect child support payments. despite having billions of pounds spent on it, it has failed miserably in its attempts to get money from absent parents to pay for the upkeep of their children. So odd given that the Tax Office never never never fails to take tax out of people's salaries.

the Child Support Agency has been one of the Tories' most succesful projects in that it has pumped billions of pounds of taxpayers' money into the hands of a private company and simultaneous left single mothers worse off and therefore we , New Labour, have a moral duty to force them into low-paid McJobs

by vixen5 August 29, 2008

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Lower-Intergovernmental Moratorium Agency (LIGMA)

Lower-Intergovernmental Moratorium Agency was established on February 10th, 2022, as an organisation responsible for postponing people's faults in the field of modern Internet: any bad thing that was said on Twitter, any opinion that is slightly controversial on any social media platform, any demonetized video on Youtube can be morally forgiven and reinforced with rhetorical support of us, LIGM Agency. Also this structure implies the existence of yet again one more LIGMA abbreviation, which you can use in case you are asked or just for fun. Right now, the agency consists of 'two and a half' people and is relatively unknown. LIGMA understands that reviving a dead meme might not be so funny, yet it still has its own style and feel. Also there is HIGMA (H stands for Higher), but we can't obtain much information about it.

- Yesterday I called LIGMA!
- So, what did they Lower-Intergovernmental Moratorium Agency (LIGMA) tell you?
- That hating black people can't be forgiven. I guess I'll still have to delete my tweet about slavery.

by vo1dwalker March 8, 2022

Wonderful Agency

the in-house, full-service advertising and marketing agency at The Wonderful Company

The 'Sometimes Naked Is Better' campaign was created by Wonderful Pistachios' in-house creative team, Wonderful Agency, led by chief creative officer Darren

by Wendysfg September 18, 2023

Wonderful Agency

the in-house, full-service advertising and marketing agency at The Wonderful Company.

Wonderful Pistachios and Wonderful Almonds, Wonderful Halos, JUSTIN Vineyards and Winery, Landmark Vineyards and Winery, JNSQ Wines, flower delivery service Teleflora, and in-house marketing agency Wonderful Agency.

by SPrice1980 September 18, 2023