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[Alexander Hamilton]

1. That guy on the US $10 bill.

2. The loser of the gun duel with Aaron Burr.

Why is Alexander Hamilton on the $10 Bill?

by Peter_Puck August 14, 2006

29👍 60👎

Alexander Hamilton

The worst person to live! He cheated on his wife Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, gave his son Phillip Hamilton bad advice and has him killed in a duel. The musical is great but guess who's not? (It's pretty obvious.)

Can't we agree that Alexander Hamilton is the worst founding father out of them all?

by ElizaIsHot December 9, 2018

4👍 11👎

Zander Alexander Hamilton

A person named Zander With a middle name of Alexander so his retarded Asian friend calls him Zander Alexander Hamilton

Zander Alexander Hamilton Iz that you

by CAASSS!!! March 13, 2018

1👍 2👎

Alexander Hamilton

A bastard orphan son of a whore who doesnt throw away his shot. He met 4 friends his first friend was Aaron Burr, the damn fool who shot him. Alexander was the 10 dollar founding father without a father. Alexander cheated on Eliza Schyler cause he wanted pussy still. Then his son died then he died. Lol

Alexander Hamilton: bbg i cant leave. Eliza Schyler: ok pookie bye i trust you. Maria Renyolds: ok pookie bbg give me smex. Alexander Hamilton: ok

by Babagrillwuas October 20, 2023

Alexander Hamilton

my name is alexander hamilton

Alexander Hamilton: Alexander Hamilton...My name is Alexander Hamilton

by theblueytimes February 1, 2025

alexander hamilton

it’s a cool american sex act where you stick a quill in someone’s ass and fill it with ink.

i love doing this with the homies.

bro 1: hey bro, i just gave my gf a hot alexander hamilton
bro 2: no way man, give me one.

by sadist shitbag August 26, 2022

alexander hamilton

it is an american sex act where you stick a quill up someone’s mouth and fill their ass with ink.

i love doing this with my homies and you should too!

bro 1: i just gave my gf an alexander hamilton
bro 2: no way, i wanna get alexander hamilton’d too man!

by sadist shitbag August 26, 2022