1. That guy on the US $10 bill.
2. The loser of the gun duel with Aaron Burr.
Why is Alexander Hamilton on the $10 Bill?
29👍 60👎
The worst person to live! He cheated on his wife Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, gave his son Phillip Hamilton bad advice and has him killed in a duel. The musical is great but guess who's not? (It's pretty obvious.)
Can't we agree that Alexander Hamilton is the worst founding father out of them all?
4👍 11👎
A person named Zander With a middle name of Alexander so his retarded Asian friend calls him Zander Alexander Hamilton
Zander Alexander Hamilton Iz that you
1👍 2👎
A bastard orphan son of a whore who doesnt throw away his shot. He met 4 friends his first friend was Aaron Burr, the damn fool who shot him. Alexander was the 10 dollar founding father without a father. Alexander cheated on Eliza Schyler cause he wanted pussy still. Then his son died then he died. Lol
Alexander Hamilton: bbg i cant leave. Eliza Schyler: ok pookie bye i trust you. Maria Renyolds: ok pookie bbg give me smex. Alexander Hamilton: ok
Alexander Hamilton: Alexander Hamilton...My name is Alexander Hamilton
it’s a cool american sex act where you stick a quill in someone’s ass and fill it with ink.
i love doing this with the homies.
bro 1: hey bro, i just gave my gf a hot alexander hamilton
bro 2: no way man, give me one.
it is an american sex act where you stick a quill up someone’s mouth and fill their ass with ink.
i love doing this with my homies and you should too!
bro 1: i just gave my gf an alexander hamilton
bro 2: no way, i wanna get alexander hamilton’d too man!