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Rhône Alpes

Rhône Alpes is a Region of France that I'd also known as Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes,

The Richest Region that was really that Italy Have Savoy Now to French having Savoy, When French Have Savoy, They divided the Savoy the First name is Leman (Used as Napoleon) and Mont Blanc (Used as Napoleon now used as a company), When Renaming them they called it "Haute-Savoie" and "Savoie"
Loire is the higher used Name like "Centre Val de Loire" and "Pays de La Loire" also "Haute-Loire" and "Saône et Loire" that's what is from
When Ricamarie was Invaded by Germany they became a part of France

Rhône Alpes
Saône et Loire
Centre Val de Loire
Mont Blanc

by Rhône Alpes April 8, 2022


The greek god that defeated arabulis. To secure the Universe for eternal light he created the sun then gave life to the high level gods.

by caneto barius October 20, 2003

alp stooge

When you become an Australian Prime Minister and you make plans with the Illuminati to try and take over the world. Also another word for saying you are an idiot prime minister.

"Hey do you want to become an alp stooge"
"Uhhh I don't know..."

by xxX69_MFWGettingShrekt_21Xxx February 11, 2015

Alp Dalman

A sexy ass turkish kid who gets all the hoes wetter than fucking hurricane irma

Person 1: Did you see that hot ass fucking guy in the hallway

Person 2: Yeah, hes such an Alp Dalman, isnt he?

by Bootyclapper543 December 17, 2018

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Alp Batu

A guy with a very small penis.

Girl 1: Heard you two had sex last night, how big was he?
Girl 2: She was an Alp Batu, nigga had a micropenis

by cynadote October 9, 2019

8👍 11👎

D Alps

Synonomous to the phrase 'over achiever'. Commonly mistaken for a large mountain range in Europe. Slight obsession with the Spanish verb haber. If you are seeking homework advice or information, please contact at 973-650-7394.

"OMG, D Alps, is there a reading assignment tonight?"

by getchius January 30, 2006

1👍 1👎

find a stranger in the alps

A term derived form Comedy Central airings of "The Big Lebowski. It was used to substitute "Fuck a stranger in the ass" in the infamous "you see what happens" scene. It means fuck a stranger in the ass.

"You see what happens when you find a stranger in the alps?"

by talley May 26, 2006

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