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grammar alt-right

1.) Grammar Alt-Right is a term for people who openly mock linguistic errors online committed by other users with less condemnation and more humor compared to mainstream Grammar Nazis.

2.) An ironic spin on the descriptor, "Grammar Nazi" for use on left-leaning message boards.

Grammar Alt-Righters don't care if you spell "lose" like "loose" or if you use "literally" for something figurative ; they are just in it for the lulz.

by vampvoid February 8, 2017

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A subset of right wing ideology that rejects the idea that all races are equal. This subset includes white supremacists, white nationalists, neo-nazis, etc.

The Alt-right has some disgusting beliefs

by Eushshtb November 2, 2023

Alt Right

Defender of the Republicans, character created by Youtuber Bafflenuuk to parody All Might.

Bafflenuuk: You will go with me
Grekiro: I fell a little lefty myself so I don't think so mr. Alt Right *logs into a diffrent server*
Bafflenuuk: *comes after him* FACE MY LIBERAL SMASH!

by Drocitto123 May 30, 2019

alt-right commas

Punctuation frequently used by alt-right and conspiracy believers characterized by writing in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS and commas placed in semi-random order, preceded rather than followed by a space.


by mexas May 13, 2020