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yes, nice very good

Amelia very good yes

by Kool cid. March 16, 2020

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Amelia is known for people being scared or her beating people up if they are mean to her friends or family. Amelia is scary! Amelia is beautiful and kind but also super funny. Although I'm scared of her I love her like crazy. When I'm around her I'm in love. Some people don't know that they like her but it just takes a little to realize. Amelia has blond hair and blue eyes. She can be quiet when you first meet her but you just wait till you get to know her! There is something seriously wrong with her.

Hey, whos that girl over there?
Oh, you mean Amelia?
Yea shes pretty I think I'm going to ask her out!
Nope, you can't do that.
Because I'm going to beat you to it byeeee

by miels11 March 11, 2019

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Amelia is a smart and musically talented girl. She isn't afraid to take on a challenge. Amelia is a fun loving girl who loves animals. She is always willing to help others in any and every situation. Amelia can also make anybody smile and she can cheer anybody up. Overall Amelia is a fun loving, caring and is just great to be around.

Amelia helped me yesterday when I fell over at the skatepark.

by Bloopy13 June 27, 2019

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Normally a hawtspice. Long hair down to her bum lyke. One of the nicest people you will ever meet, should always have one in your life. Can trust them with practically everything and she can ALWAYS put a smile on your face even when you feel like utter shit. Everyone needs one.

oh my god your just like that sexy gal amelia!

by poptastic January 3, 2012

61πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


A Petit girl with brown hair who can get jealous easily and emotional quickly. Bright and hard working but also fun and a great laugh to be around. Has a shy but strong personality and is very reliable. Not someone who would joke about serious things and some one who gives amazing advice .

That Amelia is really trustworthy, and she gives amazing advices.

Yes. She really helped my with a personal problem.

by Jake Mango October 20, 2010

1066πŸ‘ 490πŸ‘Ž


The name given to woman so commanding of your attention, even the syllables seem to trace the delicious curves of her body. Eyes that say, 'You. No, not you, you! Ohforfucksake, in the white shirt. Yes, you. Now get over here before I change my mind'. Lips so intoxicating and sumptuous to kiss, it's like you're tasting Rohypnol lip balm for the first time.

A personality so bright it eclipses every care and subverts any reason to leave her company. Her intoxicating nature is literal: a capacity for all things alcoholic will render the average man speechless, had she not already reduced him to such a state with a simple 'Hello'.

This boundless energy combined with a figure that makes you want to be her shower sponge, would be enough to stop your day at Amelia o'clock, but it doesn't end there. Beyond every unending quality she exudes lies a complexity equally alluring. For example, despite a diary that would put any Head of State to shame, plans are made to be embellished, changed, or fucked off completely. She raises a judgemental eyebrow to the mundane, and grabs the fuckmullet of spontaneity as if it's a play-thing on a cigarette break. Nothing rests while Amelia plays.

In short, the name Amelia is reserved for a woman that will make a NATO airstrike of your emotions, and thank your lucky chromosomes you're a man. End of.


by LeTwonk July 27, 2011

621πŸ‘ 286πŸ‘Ž


Amelia is someone who has blonde hair, blue eyes. She has a passion for music and art. If you make her angry, she will defo come for you! But anyway, she’s still a beautiful person and kind soul.

Is that Amelia playing the ukulele? That sounds magical!

by ameliax0 October 30, 2018

8πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž