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that one girl that is gay and everyone knows is gay, even the teachers.

" bro Angelique's jokes never get boring"

by gaychick April 28, 2020

2πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


someone who gives too many fucks

Angelique "Taf xi tfisser niket
8:08 PM

by lolesaed April 28, 2022


A girl that can really be a bitch but honestly doesnt mean to be she really tries to be nice & love people but they honestly just get on her nerves she loves sports animals and to fight and is country as hell but shes really one of a kind and if you find a angelique always jepp her never let her go

Bro did you see that girl get into that fight she must be an angeliqueπŸ˜‚β€

by πŸ€·πŸ€·β— May 28, 2019

11πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


the act of spamming on aim in hopes of lagging one's computer

me (12:12:17 PM): stop spamming me !
HEY to K (12:12:20 PM): u got angeliqued

by cookies for dinner November 27, 2008

80πŸ‘ 318πŸ‘Ž


the act of having sex with a teacher that is forty years old.

damnn she got busted for doing an angelique

by ilovebethhhhh April 19, 2007

86πŸ‘ 412πŸ‘Ž


A man-stealing backstabbing robotic bitch. Never to be trusted. Dull, plain, and boring like a professor...no life in her whatsoever. Enjoys making others feel like shit. A complete lie and blemish on the face of the world, she needs to jump off a cliff that has rocks at the bottom. And guess what? No one will go to the funeral Bitch!

Angelique is unberablle and disgusting in so many ways...

"That girl basically stole my boyfriend, what an Angelique!"

by whatnowbitches! December 29, 2010

89πŸ‘ 528πŸ‘Ž


That one girl that always wears crop tops, breaks into people’s houses to eat chocolate in their bathtub, drink Monster burp nonstop, and play My Horse Prince. Overall, very cool.

Wtf is wrong with Angelique? She looked up the twin towers on Rule 34…

by I don’t know anymore April 12, 2022