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Awesome band from devon, uk


by INSANEJACK May 7, 2009

National Announce Your COVID Results Day

National Announce Your COVID Results Day is January 3rd. This is a day to announce your COVID results and not gatekeep them like a bitch.

Troll #1: Omg did you guys here that it’s National Announce Your COVID Results day??

Troll #2: Oh yeah, that means that bitch should finally tell us her results.

by armanie69 January 3, 2022

important announcement

if you are in a place where you cant say fart, say this

"that was such a big important announcement, did you hear it?"

by dedededededededededhidude June 21, 2023


a grey, speaker box

Announcer: Hey guys, I'm back.

by Eujejejjdjsj August 7, 2022


A couple of guys watching the same events everybody else is, though they often have a general surface knowledge of many more players, stats, and happening around different leagues they announce for.

If an announcer or sports writer (or the ones who give them a script) were good at going in a game and scoring 30 something or 40 something points, they would be on the team doing that. They add to a lot of the superhero hype that nobody can really live up to, and next thing you know, more people seem to want this guy kicked off a team and moved to a different town, to run him out of town. Some of the people behind some of these decisions think they own the leagues and the towns they play in.

by Solid Mantis February 25, 2021


By comparing a guy to Superman, an Announcer is really saying he has to be at one hundred percent on ever single play, or people are going to hate the guy. That's not realistic for anybody, because in reality, no matter how close somebody tries to get, they're not going to be at one hundred percent even part of the time, since one hundred percent is perfect.

Announcers aren't doing a guy a favor by comparing him to Superman, and it sounds a little bit silly to most people over age 5.

by Solid Mantis April 9, 2021


Somebody who watches the same games as everybody else, but often has a broad surface knowledge of many different teams, athletes, stats, and happenings in a league they announce for.

If announcers or sports writers (or the people giving them a script or ghostwriting if it applies) were good at going into a game and scoring 30 something or 40 something points, they would be on a team doing it. A lot of the superhero hype that nobody can really live up to comes from what they're trying to do with the athletes. Next thing you know, some people seem to want these guys kicked off a team and moved to another town, to run them out of town. Some of the people involved in these decisions think they own a guy, a league, or a town that they play in.

by Solid Mantis February 25, 2021