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Antifa activists were molded in childhood when their mother’s bought them candy at the grocery store checkout just to get them to stop whining and shut up. They learned at an early age that they were entitled to anything they wanted in life simply by throwing embarrassing public tantrums and making everyone’s lives miserable. Unworthy of being compared to the real
Anti fascists who fought and died fighting white supremists on Civil War battlefields and Nazis on the beaches of Normandy; Antifa activists will henceforth be referred to as leftist incels. Yes, the leftist incel may have a useless liberal arts degree which leaves him working as a closing manager at KFC and watching pornhub in his parents basement on his day off; but at least he can put on his plastic, Walmart Batman mask he’s had since the age of 11 and terrorize old ladies in the streets for the crime of checking out a local Republican campaign rally. Cheer up leftist incels; inflatable women have come a long way.

I’m an American Antifa activist and I can’t finish this sentence because I’m being laughed at.

by Dupaspock Johnson June 18, 2022

924👍 102👎


A Pro Fascist movement disguised as an "Anti-fascist" riots, usually using Fascist/Nazi tactics such as fear mongering, assault, areson, generally targeting political opponents and business based on opposing beliefs in an attempt to reduce their political opponents from voting or expressing basic rights.

Hey did you hear about Antifas "mostly peaceful" riots over the summer of 2020? Heard they killed over 26 people!

by butteredBert December 6, 2022

1259👍 61👎


Antifa is a far left-wing anti-fascist and anti-racist political movement in the United States which engages political violence. It comprises an array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of both nonviolent and violent direct action rather than through policy reform. This sometimes involves digital activism, doxing, harassment, physical violence, and property damage against those whom they identify as belonging to the far right, by those standards anyone who opposes their ideology. Ironically, their often forcible suppression of opposing ideologies may be interpreted as facism, due to the fact one of the defining characteristics of facism was forcible suppression.

Did you hear antifa shot a guy walking down the street, he had opposing ideologies but this seems like extreme political violence.

by VerbalAssassin March 19, 2021

1148👍 130👎


Anti fascists who think they are anti fascists but really are a portrayal of that they claim to hate. An oxymoron filled with morons. More or less filled with liberal supporters who enjoy inanimate self identification.

Antifa 1 - HEY! See those people over there that don’t think like us.

Antifa 2 - ya!
Antifa 1 - let’s go yell at them and beat them up because we hate them and they are wrong for having a different opinion.
Antifa 2 -( after a few seconds of confusion) yeah! Fuck those nazis, they are probably racists too! Let’s fuck them up for using pronouns and other gender appropriate items!!!
Antifa 3 - yeah fuck them for wanting to work for wages and repay their debt!!! Everything should be free!!!!

by Aceofjokers September 25, 2021

2346👍 259👎


A violent terrorist group that kills innocent people all across the globe

Have you seen what happened?
Members of Antifa gave killed an innocent human

by thesmartkid420 February 19, 2023

2056👍 126👎


ANTIFA shares many parallels with the Bible, despite being secular. Much like the inception of all things bad in the Bible, ANTIFA traces it's origins back to what members refer to as 'Original Soyn.'

Original Soyn is celebrated on Dec 25th, and harkens back to a seminal event described in their holy book, The Wokerinomicron.

On a winter's day in 1993, an epileptic Seattle teen was in attendance at Our Lord Adam Schiff school of Virtue Community college and Vape Shop, in a Privilege Acknowledgement class.

Feeling a tingle in the back of her head, she rose to her feet, fearing a seizure. But this was no seizure. Gripping the table, she began shaking violently. Images and instruction began filling her head from an unknown source. Foaming at the mouth and losing control of her bowels, she collapses into a heap, continuously farting.

Upon awaking, she began at write down what she had experienced. These are the tenets of modern day ANTIFA, and these writings became the Wokerinomicron.

ANTIFA strictly adhere to making themselves very puny, easily led, cowardly, incestuous and self-loathing, as their doctrine dictates.

Al Sharpton: Dey shot anotha black mayn out hurr. For nuthin. We gon burn this mutha down.
Chris Cuomo: Shocking. All he did was shoot his baby mamma and run at cops with a chainsaw while on bath salts. When will this rayciss end? Luckily, ANTIFA is just an idea and won't riot

by TheSaltergeist June 5, 2021

108👍 316👎


Short for anti-fascist. Opposes fascism, Nazism, supremacism, and authoritarianism.

Real life antifas include the Allies, the Resistance movements, and the Righteous Among the Nations in World War II. Fictional antifas include the Rebel Alliance, the Inglourious Basterds, and Captain America.

If the other side is fascist, we're all antifas now.

by TheAllies February 23, 2017

932👍 3867👎