Source Code

April Fools' Day

April 1rst. A day in which practical jokes are played. The second worst birthday surpassed only by febuary 29th

Gullible is written on the ceiling.

by Pepsi X-treme June 24, 2005

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April Fools Effect

The use of April 1st to break any serious news in order to make the victim(s) think it's a joke until after April 1st, where the victim(s) realize it's for real.

April 1st
Boss: Sorry Joe, you're fired. *Wink*
Joe: Ohhh, of course sir *wink*

April 31st
Joe: I wonder when i can return... fuck, April Fools Effect

by TomiBuoy April 1, 2017

Schrödinger's April Fool

When you ask your crush out on first of April, and decide whether it was a prank or not according to their reply.

David: Bro, I asked my crush out yesterday!
Anthony : did she say yes?
David : nah, she said no but I used the Schrödinger's April Fool.

by coward69 April 9, 2021

April Fools paranoia

When someone is so obsessed by April Fools, they don't trust anyone and don't believe in anything on that day.

-Hey man, wanna go see a movie tomorrow?
-Haha, I see what you did there, you almost had me!
-Dude, stop with this April Fools paranoia, I'm serious!

by original nick April 1, 2013

6902👍 6166👎

April Fools' Day

The best day of the year to wear sandals.

Vince: Hey, man, your shoelace is untied!

Diggity Monkeez: Nice try, citizen.

by Diggity Monkeez April 2, 2005

25👍 15👎

April Fools !!!!!!!LOL

when you April Fool some one !!!!!!!LOL

Guy 1 : Im gay

Girl 1 : WTF!! Were going out you freak !!

Guy 1 : April Fools !!!!!!!LOL

by Gobblehy April 1, 2008

23👍 17👎

April Fool's, bitch

When you're having sex, entering from behind (e.g. doggystyle,) about to come, you tell the receiver, "I'm about to come!"

Pull out and spit on her (or his) back while grunting. when she turns around, blow your wad in her face and yell, "April Fool's, bitch!"

you should've seen the look on her face when i said, "April Fool's, bitch." she was so mad.

by kentucky_windage August 10, 2012

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