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Asylum Seeker

supposedly drive mercedes, have shitloads of cash and is raking it in, when in fact use sellotape to keep their walls together, their idea of a meal in "Heinz" and get their asses kicked at school by neds cause tehy talk funny.

Dont spread the hate. Thats what the BNP wants you to do.

by Biafra J July 30, 2004

43πŸ‘ 90πŸ‘Ž

mental asylum

placae to lock up the insane with bad provoking judgement, mental flaws, are crazy, and have bad uncontrollable, jeering and spasmic actions. initially made for people that have ever had more than one lover in thier day, make false accusations and carry out further function overdoing it, lie, kill, cheat, steel, sin and know they do it and carry out thier ridiculousness to other people or environment. Made for people that have sex with animals, objects, dead carcuses and fecal matter. People in a state of euphoria. People that have mental disorders of any kind. Stopped maybe in the 1800's because it wasn't fair. That was one time.

Strat loved a girl in his head and was locked in a mental asylum, until she showed herself so the wardens knew she actually did exist.

Those skinny vampiric looking, pale people over there with those little sharp crooked teeth were raised from a woman that escaped a mental asylum.

by europopian August 7, 2009

10πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

asylum sans

A cute yet unstable bean version of Undertale Sans, Where papyrus has been killed from a car crash. Frisk refuese to reset and Sans, unable to accept his brothers death, goes insane and still sees Papyrus' ghost. Nightmare Sans plays a big part when it comes to Asy's Insanity levels.

"Have you heard about Asylum sans?"
"Isn't he the one who went insane and got put into an asylum ?"
"Yup, that's the one."

by Ewood28623 November 6, 2017

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

batman: arkham asylum

Makes you feel like Batman.
Could not look or feel more Batman.
You will feel just like Batman.
Made us feel like we were Gotham's caped crusader.
In this game, you'll feel like you are batman.

You will feel eerily like Batman in Batman: Arkham Asylum

by tomatoops November 17, 2019

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Caucasian Asylum

A metaphoric place for oppressive white people where they can live out the rest of their oppressing lives away from the people they try to oppress, where they can live out the rest of their insane lives in slight discomfort and without being listened to.

Those white people belong in a Caucasian Asylum!

by Caucasian Asylum May 25, 2015

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Asylum Morality Police

A vigilante group of international protection applicants who tacitly reconstitute a religious landscape of SharΔ«aΚΏ code through innuendo and cultural opprobrium in Direct Provision, so as to create a hostile environment towards gender nonconforming and transgender international protection applicants.

The fear of becoming the target of morality policing in Direct Provision may induce others to shield themselves against the asylum morality police's threats, and to engage in self-protecting behaviour and attributions

by Canada (2022) October 13, 2022

Dead Puppets Asylum

madd nice underground punk, screamo, emo, alternative band

BOB: "DPA's #1 on the charts."

by JaXx SaNzZ April 9, 2005

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