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Attack on Titan


Attack on Titan made me cry.

by Otaku_Unikitties February 23, 2016

280๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Attack On Tits

The anime series "Attack On Titan" but the titans have huge ass tits and there are many hentai scenes

Weeb: Yo did you see the new episode of Attack On Titan? Man, what a plot twist!

Intellectual: Naw nigga I don't waste my time with that Attack On Titan shit. I watched Attack On Tits. Annie made me bust a nut in her titan form.

by Kurapika Kurta August 13, 2019

63๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Crap attack

When someone is overreacting to a really minor problem. Or what you say when someone is being a total boob punch.

Mom: Where the hell were you?!
Me: I got detention.
Mom: DETENTION???!?!?
Me: It's no big deal Mom, don't have a crap attack.

by It'sGonnaBeLitten May 17, 2016

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Sand Attack

The most annoying fucking attack in the game "Pokemon," when the user apparently kicks sand into your pokemon's fucking eyes, making it lose accuracy, and does it about 4 or 5 times in a row to make your Pokemon miss every damn attack afterwards and makes it fucking useless from then on.

Pokemon 1 used Sand Attack!
Pokemon 2's accuracy fell!
Pokemon 2 used Tackle, but it missed!
Pokemon 1 used Sand Attack!
Pokemon 2's accuracy fell!
Pokemon 2 used Tackle, but it missed!
Pokemon 1 used Sand Attack!
Etc. Etc.

by That Kid with the Forehead June 2, 2013

fangirl attack

When a super fan of a particular form of media, such as a music group or television show, begins to obsess over said media to an extreme. These attacks are usually brought on by events like a favorite character dying or their OTP finally getting together (or in extreme cases breaking up - this is an extremely dangerous time). If you come across a fangirl/fanboy while they are having a fangirl attack, DO NOT ENGAGE. They are extremely emotional during this time and could even become violent. To avoid any unnecessary injuries, walk away slowly and leave him/her to cry in peace.

Boy1: What's up with her?
Boy2: She's having a fangirl attack. We'd best leave her alone before it gets out of control.
Girl: *crying in front of her computer screen*

by theinternethasruinedme April 5, 2015

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Panic attack

Arguably the most extreme manifestation of acute anxiety, a panic attack is an episode of sudden apprehension and intense fear, combined with physiological symptoms that closely resemble a heart attack.

A panic attack is the most frightening experience one can ever experience; I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

by Doc_B April 14, 2015

171๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


When an irate man or woman with a ravenous appetite consumes a large amount of commercial grade fast food. Famous Dak-Attack sightings are at Taco Bells, Burger Kings, and other establishments that allow one's blood pressure, and sugar to hit critical levels. Foods with high trans fat, sodium, and carbohydrates promote the most vigorous of said attacks.

Watching that sweaty man eat that entire plate of nachos was an example of a Dak-Attack.

by Mythranite January 10, 2019