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The Bald Eagle

The new age of combover where males who are balding attempt to cover up this fact by using any remaing hairs to create a faux hawk.

Dude look at that guy with The Bald Eagle.
Lame, he should srsly invest in a hat.

by danton2015 April 21, 2011

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bald eagle

to go really fast like with nitro.

dood you really bald eagled that turn, i can smell your tires burning!

by carnivipony September 27, 2010

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bald eagle

Variation of the mullet, usually the result of having a ponytail throughout the 20's-30's and using a rubber band - resulting in being bald on the top whilst having mullet characteristics in the back.

Steve Howe (guitarist) is well on his way to sporting a bald eagle.

by beerfart September 17, 2003

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bald eagle jones

When a woman is shaved completely in her genital region.

My wife is bald eagle jones.

phrase is used by Bubba the Love Sponge on his Sirius satellite radio show.

by Steven Thornton April 25, 2008

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bald eagle diver

The art of going down(oral sex) on a woman who has no pubic hair.

A Bald eagle diver is an evolution of the muff diver.TIll this day a very important part of a womens needs. So remember to pratice this old and very fine art.

by Christian L. July 25, 2006

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Southern Bald Eagle

When you cum in someones ass and the next shit they take comes from down south. It has a white head and a brown body resembeling the southern bals eagle.

Mary and Mike were having sex. she was complaining so mike wisperd hold on bitch. The next shit she took was the exact replica of the southern bald eagle.

by Rhymemaster-Z January 25, 2008

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Angry Bald Eagle

After eating a bunch of yellow skittles, a male gets a blow job, and right before he cums, spits a big yellow stream right on her nose. After doing this he continues by blowing a load all over her face. This should give her the Classic yellow nose and white face of a bald eagle.

Awww dude did you see all the cum on Laura's face? She was totally given an Angry bald eagle.

by Jackson Carr January 8, 2008

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