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Balkan Banquet Hall Lady

A random lady of Balkan decent you see once a year at a banquet hall . They usual come up to you an say out of pocket things Wear's a dress with one to many sequins. Usually wears 5 inch heel's while dancing oro. Between the ages of 35 - 85 years old.

See that lady over there coming to talk to us she's a Balkan banquet hall lady.

by EmoOwls February 4, 2024

Balkan racism mode

When a man from the Balkans goes full racism mode on a person of colour for a reason that can vary from mild argument to losing a match in Roblox football. What usually proceeds is the man experiencing the syndrome called Lithuanian Ball Cancer, which usually cause the man to die within 72 hours

Youseff: Damn bro, Jeremiah went full Balkan racism mode!

Jeremiah: (Racist with Lithuanian ball cancer symptoms)

by weednosethereindeer January 15, 2022

9👍 7👎

Balkan Affair

The stitching between flaps of rubber on a jumpy or inflatable rubber object

As I fell of the jumpy, I sliced open my nuts on the Balkan Affair. fuck

by malmö January 26, 2010

bella balkan

sexiest, amazing woman amazing wallah smile

hey that’s bella balkan she’s sexy as

by marcus lad May 4, 2022

Balkan Lifestyle

Type of way certain European countries' way of living.

What does Balkan Lifestyle mean?
You know Balkan, bro. We eat gyro and ride T-Max's, Balkan

by AG25 July 11, 2024

reverse balkan gecko

the reverse balkan gecko is when you are getting fucked in the urethra hole

jaden had the best reverse balkan gecko last night with some black guy

by damo dazza February 28, 2024

reverse balkan gecko

the reverse balkan gecko is when you are getting fucked in the urethra hole

jaden had the best reverse balkan gecko last night with some black guy

by damo dazza February 28, 2024