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Sexy, Laid back, Smart, Caring, Puts others needs before himself.

Has amazing class and can carry himself through many a situation. Toned body, amazing in bed, great tease and can hit all the right spots. Well endowed and not afraid to let people know. Type of guy who's ex girlfriends never really forget about. Rugged features makes him the ultimate underground hottie. Heart breaker or mender, can turn a girl on as fast as he can make her cry.

"Whoa who is that? I've never noticed him before!" "oh thats just ben" "damn he's sexy"

One minute I thought he was into me, the next he shut me down...must have been a ben"

by lehcarxo January 18, 2011

186๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž


The coolest person you will ever meet and is always really really funny. he is also the most fit athletic person you will ever meet and can kick but at times if needed. if you don't have a Ben in your life get one

Ben is so cool.

by davedoode September 16, 2017

85๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


A man who is so freakishly awesome, handsome, funny, friendly and even a little bit nerdy that you have to love him. Bens typically come with brown to blackish hair, are white(the black bens are rare), and are a smidge taller than the rest of the kids in your school. There are probably 3 to 14 girls who like this ben. Either he knows or is completely blindsided. He is hilarious and will be sent to the principle's office for that many times in one year. He is awesome at doing anything you want and is committed.

Girl 1: Omg lyke ya did you see Ben walking down the hallway? He is lyke sooooooooooo cute.
Girl 2: Well he is mine you b*****.

by Ben Leroy March 7, 2012

194๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž


A cute ass guy. He's shy and talk and has perfect hair. He's very flirty and has the sexiest smile ever. Every girl wants him. And he only ever wants one.

Lauren: Omg Sarah who is that?!
Sarah: Oh that's Ben.
Lauren: Well he's hot!
Sarah: be careful he has a girlfriend.
Lauren: well I can make him forget her!
Sarah: Yeah good luck with that!
(Ben walks by)
Lauren: Heyyyy Beeennn
(Ben ignores her and keeps walking)
Sarah: See I told you he's loyal.

by Sexybitch54 May 23, 2016

17๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


an amazingly sweet and caring man. he will always be there for you, especially when you need him. he is extremely cute, and is the person you need to keep in your life forever. not many people know him, but if you do, you're one of the luckiest people alive. he's adorable, funny, caring, and just all around an amazing dude. he has low self esteem, but there is no need when you're a ben. he's a definite keeper.

'did you see that guy?'
yeah, he's a total ben.'

by 33mph June 3, 2018

110๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


A really amazing and sweet guy. A person named Ben will almost never have trouble getting girls. Bens are incredibly attractive. If you are close to a Ben, you are very lucky. He will care about you if you care about him. Simple as that. Very kind hearted, and very sweet. A Ben will be very hard not to fall in love with if you get to know one. He has poor taste in the girls he chooses, but that will one day change.

Ben: I can tell when something is wrong. I know you.
Other Person: I love that you care, but it's not something you can help with.
Ben: At least let me try to help.

by starz2012 February 19, 2012

63๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


Tall and handsome, with a humble confidence. Extremely attractive, but doesn't know it. Good with his hands and does things in a particular "Ben" kind of way: sexy and with finesse. Shockingly witty but also gentle, kind, and generous. Men want to be like him. He could even turn a straight man gay. He thinks women don't notice him, but they do.

In the bedroom, Ben's main concern is to please his woman. He's passionate and very good at what he does. But he also knows when it's time to let his woman know who's boss and he takes control at just the right moment.

His eyes are the most striking blue. They pull you in for the most passionate kisses that never disappoint.

Damn, I need some more Ben in my life.

by Carpenter'sWife November 16, 2015

38๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž