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Berkeley vision

n. a chronic condition which causes a male to perceive females as more attractive than they actually are. Caused by going to school at UC Berkeley, where attractive women are in short supply. aka. PERMANENT BEER GOGGLES

Cal student: damn, that girl is fine.
UCLA student: naw, she's ugly as hell. you just got Berkeley vision.

by Robert Birgeneau September 20, 2007

129๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž

berkeley hills

the hills of berkeley,CA
where the youngsters get hyphy
from the circle to deep marin

"yo man you wanna get hyphy"
"ya dude we gotta go to the Berkeley Hills"

by DANIELkillian November 2, 2006

50๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


A school of ~33,000 students located in the San Francisco Bay Area. UC-Berkeley is commonly known as the best public university in the country and one of the top universities in the world. Berkeley touts arguably the greatest faculty and student body in the US, and one of the world's largest research library systems. Berkeley is also well known for its athlectic branch, Cal (California), that includes a current football powerhouse.

Hey, I want to go to UC-Berkeley!

by koala March 26, 2005

314๐Ÿ‘ 127๐Ÿ‘Ž

Berkeley Breakfast

A gratuitous sexual act involving bacon.

"Snorting coke off a hooker's ass is so 1990s. The Berkeley Breakfast is where it's at."

by HLPONY January 1, 2008

24๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


The first and best school in the Universtiy of California system. Located in Berkeley, CA, Cal is one of the most diverse and exciting campuses in the world. Cal offers a world class education at a great price. It is regarded as the top public university and is home to busuiness and engineering schools that are usually ranked in the top 3 overall and often #1 worldwide. A terrific place for anyone looking for a great education, world class professors, interesting people, and great sports teams (GO BEARS).
Admissions: very selective
Overall- 25% admitted
School of Engineering- 8-10% admitted

1) Hey! That guy has a really distorted and biased view of UC-Berkeley!
2) UC-Berkeley is one of the world's best schools.
3) UC-Berkeley is underrated on USNews's rankings. (Endowment per student is taken into consideration, so public schools are at an inherent disadvantage)
4) UC-Berkeley rules.

by Go Bears April 18, 2005

602๐Ÿ‘ 265๐Ÿ‘Ž

Berkeley heights

A town where everyone is either Irish, Italian or both. Breeds alcholism, and drug addiction. When people leave to go off to college they realize how the things we do are not exactly normal to the rest of the world. Girls dont think anything of hooking up with two guys who happen to be brothers or best friends. If theres not a party going on the whole teen population seems never to know what to do and always ends up in krauszers parking lot.

If you drive on the streets oh Berkeley heights at night theres a very good change one out of every 4 cars driving on the road is a drunk driver.

by bh lovee January 28, 2008

122๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž

Berkeley hot

Ugly girls who attend UC Berkeley who are automatically "Berkeley Hot" because there are no better looking girls than them.

"Did you see that breezy who just walked by?"
"No, was she hot?"
"Eh, Berkeley hot.."

by TKPhizzle February 1, 2010

37๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž