Source Code

Nick Bernardo


Nick Bernardo found his gold at the bottom of a Rainbow

by Bigdickguy375 March 18, 2024


A guy with strapping muscles, sexy but has an old man name and awful sense of humour.

Bruh whoever this old man bernardo is, he just sent the worst meme in the group chat.

by Ringbeller August 12, 2020


Bernardo is a sexy man with great talent. He can sing and play instruments but let’s not forget i
his amazing girlfriend kim who supports him in almost everything. oh did i mention he was a sexy man ??? hermosuraa de muchacho que es.

Kim: Omg ! you see him ?? who is he ?? he’s so breathtaking

unknown: that’s bernardo !

by toospiceytta January 18, 2023


Moans in everybody's ear at school, especially the gorls. Hates anime but loves hentai. Head is twice the size of body. Brazillian joints. Has no neck. Hisses and screams at people. What dat Bernardo doing?

"Why is Bernardo's arm bent 180 degrees into his ass???"
"Oh he's just brazillian"

by garfield6969 November 2, 2021


A big guy with a wonderful hart that really likes dick he gets most of the girls but only the ugly one

ay sup cuh you a bit of a bernardo

by JJJAJAJA November 9, 2020


Someone who terrible things happen to

What's wrong with that guy
Oh something terrible happened to him
That's Bernardo

by WolfGirl6 February 12, 2023


Brazilian guy but shit at football. Fake depressed. (He gets girls tho)

Person 1: Whats your name?
Bernardo: Bernardo
Person 1: i bet you’re shit at football
Bernardo: What gave it away?!?!

by SchlongISlong October 3, 2021