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Best Friend

1. will be a third wheel and not care
2. let you know when you look like shit
3. walk in your house unannounced without knocking
4. be mad at you and get over it cause there is something important to talk about

meghan currie, kaylee sted

"i wanna hang out with this guy but i can only go if you come too."
"thanks girl"
"thats what a best friend is for"

by 3ggelcm March 23, 2009

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Best Friend

The person you call for every reason imaginable, or no reason at all.

My best friend is the person I call just to know that despite the miles separating us there is still some one who'll listen even when there's nothing to say.

by Chrizzy February 22, 2006

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Best Friend

A bestfriend is more than juste a friend. He's the one you can count on no matter what. The one who wont judge you and will accept you no matter who you are and what you do. He's the one you can't live without during max 2 days. The one you can call to say the dumbest things. You always fight but in the end you make up and you love each other more than before. You can not get sick of your bestfriend. He's the one who hold the number one place in your heart no matter what. He's like the brother or sister you never had. Take a good care of that relationship because it's worth the world.

I love my best friend more than anyone in the world

by JCarterC January 16, 2012

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Best Friend

People, usually girls, who do EVERYTHING together! Whether it be boring family stuff or shopping. Someone who is always there no matter what, even if you are being a bitch. Someone who knows when your lying and why without even asking. Someone who tackles you for the last gummy worm, or will forgive five minutes after having a fight. Someone who truly loves you for you and would die for you. Hoes before bros.

"Did you see Olivia and Maddie, they're hanging out AGAIN!"

"That's because they're true best friends"

by loverseverything November 11, 2011

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Best Friend

The person you can only get mad at for a short time because you have important stuff to tell them

Ooo,I need to tell my best friend this juicy stuff!

by CO2 Delirium February 11, 2017

Best Friend

Someone you trust completely.

Someone you pee your pants laughing with.
Someone you can look ugly around.
Someone who praises your burps.
Someone who can take you're stuff without asking.
Someone you find at your house before your home.
Someone your mother trusts.
Someone that pisses you off like no other.
Someone you love anyway.
Someone who helps by just being there.
Someone that can put you back together.
Someone who knows things about you that you don't even know.
Someone who you know will still be there after a fight.
Someone who completes you.
Someone that picks up on the second ring.
Someone you have planned your future with.
Someone that just knows.

Best Friend: Someone your thinking about right now

by Caramel Yum January 15, 2016

Best Friend

someone you can spoon with without it being awkward

"you're my best friend" the spooner said

by becbecbecbec October 14, 2015