Source Code

Bilbo Baggins

When receiving oral sex from a dwarf while performing a bowel movement.

I declined going to the after party, I really had to use the restroom and the cute dwarf with the Santa hat offered to give me a Bilbo Baggins.

by Half-Bottle November 27, 2007

33πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž

Bilbo Baggins

A phrase used to indicate approval

That stuff is really great...Bilbo Baggins

by Lalise March 16, 2008

23πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž

Bilbo Biggins

A Bilbo Biggins is a Big Boned Co-Worker that you secretly make fun of. Usually a Bilbo Biggins has a Big Bobble Head and farts in other people's work areas. A Bilbo Biggins is always out of breath due to the tripple chin blocking the airway.

Also known as a B.B.J.

1. Jesus, look at Bilbo Biggins. I never thought someone could break a sweat sitting still.

2. Bilbo asks: - "You gunna eat that shrimp?"

by Mr. Grinch September 27, 2006

5πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Bilbo Baggins

a cigarette, a way for people to disguise the word fag without being found out..

By Izaac && Luke

bilbo baggins for faggins...

ite bruv, coming out for a bilbo..

obviously the term must be known

by SpArKzZ && DeMoNzZ August 19, 2009

21πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

Bilbo Baggins

To insert one's big toe into another's anus for pleasure purposes.

I was surprised and greatly pleasured when he slipped his big toe into my asshole. I asked what he had just done and all he said was Bilbo Baggins!

by Lilly Lulu May 30, 2017

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Bilbo Baggins

A person that cannot hang. A lightweight who is always in the bag while drinking the least amount of alcohol..

Liam: β€œLook at Byron, He’s wasted off sipping twisted tea”

Brad: β€œYeah, looks like he’s in the Bilbo Baggins again.”

by Mr. PissyBalls May 21, 2018

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Bringing Bilbo to the Shire

When any midget or dwarf has anal sex while wearing a cock ring and calls the woman "Precious" when he takes his money shot in her face.

Last night I was "Bringing Bilbo to the Shire" with this skank!

by Mike Drizzle 1980 December 15, 2010

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