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my biznitch iz da shiznit

The saying "my biznatch iz da shiznatch is a classey way to tell other gentleman that your women is a fine chunk of ass.

like yo thats my biznatch who iz da shiznit

by marki December 3, 2003

31👍 19👎

Son-na-ma biznitch mo' fo' whitey

Basically a white male who is considered a fag, homo, jackass, fuckhead, dickweed, shit-for-brains, etc.

Damn, me gots ta bust a cap in tha son-na-ma biznitch mo'fo' whitey!

by Anonymous September 8, 2003

4👍 19👎


Arch Biznitch is when the leader of a group of people or the head of a clique,crew ,block,set,pad,ect.

is referred to as the Arch Biznitch

man" fuh dah bih man , " she smashed out with dem foos and she over there banging the arch biznitch and his crew .

by foolish reyes March 3, 2018


the CA word for bitch. BECKYYYYY doesn’t approve because we got hit with a broom when we said it

rory you’re such a biznitch!
well fiona, you’re a bass hole

by biznitches be wild June 28, 2019


A scaredy ass dude

That nigga a straight biznitch

by RetroMob March 3, 2019


The act of being a biznitch(Biz-ni-ch) bitch

Justin Beiber must has biznitchism because hes really mean to a lot of people.

by Brendan C*n*a* is Gay May 3, 2011