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Blim Blam Blum

Blim Blam Blum is used to express a moment of joy, it is simillar to esketit.

Raphael Shouted "Blim Blam Blum, now Tanner will date me "

by barxieboy May 26, 2019

Blim Blam Blum

This expression is used when one is happy or has achieved something incredible

Tanner shouted "Blim Blam Blum" when he got head from Raphael

by TaNneRisGai May 2, 2019

Blim blam

A woman with big breasts

That girl has blim blams

by Wooodz December 16, 2020

fat blim

A huge joint rolled with backwood cigar paper

Callum: Jon, pass me that fat blim

Jon: Don't whitey like last time

by LU75691 April 11, 2017


A surprised, happy or scared reaction to something depending on context. Can be used the same as the S-word and can be good, bad or concerned reaction word

Person 1: My dad just died

Person 2: Blim, I'm so sorry to hear that

by N7tro November 12, 2020

blim job

In the game of beer pong when you shoot and it seems like its going in but it bounces off the rim of the cup, making you miss. By not making it you are being blue balled while simultaneously giving the cup a rim job (not to be confused with butt hole licking).

Blue ball + Rim job = Blim Job

Person 1: Aw man i just rim jobbed that cup! I should of made that!
Person 2:Dude thats the second time this game that you've been Blim Jobbed

by jacob lattaballz December 22, 2010