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1. Although a verb, it is actually the the inability to take action
2. The result of being so high from smoking a blunt you can no longer perform physical activity
3. Associated with the inability to close the jaw and keep eyelids open.

Bob - "Hey can you give me a hand with these dishes?"
Blunted individual - "Whaaaa............ too blunted man"

by kaicrowe September 29, 2011

56๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


is a hollowed out cigar replacing the tabacco with ganja (or commomly known as weed) & re-rolling to the orginal blunt like state (the trend started in the early to mid 80's in the inner cities & ghettos of U.S)

Getting ready for an all night studio session, Me'sha & Baybe spent the latter part of the day rolling Blunts & drinking Moet laced with PassionFruit Alize.

"How to roll a Blunt" a popular song by RedMan.
"Let's all roll a blunt and get fcuked up"

by baybephatphat August 10, 2003

1316๐Ÿ‘ 875๐Ÿ‘Ž


Any brand of store bought cigar (phillies, white owls, swishers, or the "leafy" kinds like optimo or garcia y vega or el producto) that is cut open, the tobacco dumped out, and refilled with weed. Makes potheads happy, but pisses off those poor little migrant workers that slave all day cutting that damn tobacco. Blunts are a great habit to enjoy all day, every day.

1) I sit on my couch and blaze blunts with my peoples whenever I ain't at work, or just by my damn self, I don't give a FUUUUUUCK!!!
2) I ain't smoking no schwag in my blunt! Nigga you must be crazy! Now pass the hydro!

by sexie chocolate December 23, 2004

1220๐Ÿ‘ 821๐Ÿ‘Ž


marijuana rolled in cigar paper.

empty out that philly and lets roll us a blunt

by wango tango2 November 14, 2008

42๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


The arguably second best way to smoke the Good Herb (second only to a sick ass Bubbler or a phat Bong). They come in all sizes, but only one shape and color - Long/cylindrical, and brown. Like papers, you can find blunts (cigars) or blunt wraps (an un-rolled cigar with no tobacco rolled up inside) at almost any gas station for as cheap as 50 cents a wrap. Compared to papers, blunts last longer, taste better, give bigger hits, and you can fit massive amounts of the Good Herb into one without having to put multiple wraps together. If you're a fan of joints but have never smoked a nice blunt, do yourself and all your smoking buddies a favor and go to your nearest gas station and pick up some blunts. They come in all different flavors, such as Mango, Peach, Strawberry, Grape (my personal favorite), Kush (in some places), Blueberry, etc. Once you're back home get some of your finest Herb nice and ground up, lay it down real sweet-like in your favorite flavor of blunt, and start closing that big brown beauty of a blunt around the weed starting from one end and working down to the other. Don't be afraid to get that bitch as wet as it needs to be - it'll dry out real quick. (However, I've found that keeping the blunt kind of moist during the smokage makes it last even longer. Just make sure it ain't soaked). Once its ready to go, stick it in your mouth, apply some flame, and damn! Now you're smoking like a real OG.

Joo: Hey Klotzy, hit this joint I just rolled!

Klotzy: Man, don't give me that pussy ass spliff, let my man Dionne and me show you how it's done.
*Dionne and Klotzy rip up Joo's joint and proceed to roll a fat ass grape blunt*

Joo: But...but...but...!


by klotzy September 20, 2006

509๐Ÿ‘ 334๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word originally used for drugs that now means "cool" or "awesome". Similar to dope.
All the cool kids are saying it these days.

That's blunt, yo.
Man, did you see what he just did??? That was so blunt!
Ain't nobody blunt as me, I'm dressed so fresh so clean....Outkast if they wrote that song today

I would like to be "blunt". Can you teach me? - Dad
**eyeroll** - Teenage son

by shebotron3000 September 14, 2018

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. (adj) abrupt and obvious in manner of speech.
2. (adj) not sharp-pointed; dull (describing an object).

1. To be blunt about it, I really need a fucking blunt. I haven't had a good smoke all day.

2. Hand over the blunt before I hit you with this large blunt object. I'm mad jonesing for a hit.

by Nick D April 29, 2003

326๐Ÿ‘ 224๐Ÿ‘Ž